Oscar got his 181 across 14 years, an average of 12.9 per year.
Just to edit this part of my quote; O had 148 of his triple doubles in his first seven seasons, an average of 21.1 per year, and only 33 in his last seven seasons, an average of 4.7 per year. So his triple doubles were Westbrook's in reverse, essentially...
I've been searching for a historical record on the drop off in O's triple doubles and the best I can find is he was clashing with Cousy in Cincinnati on his play style, so maybe that affected his approach. Also, by the time he got to Milwaukee he was a declining player in general, and didn't have to play the same way anyway because Alcindor was there...
I still think the organic nature of him going for 148 in his first 7 years has a different aesthetic appeal than Brodie's. O knew he had a lot of rebounds and assists but since triple double wasn't a thing, he wasnt going out hunting them, he was just doing everything he could to win...
I think Westbrook gives 100% commitment to winning but his philosophy isn't pure, because as I mentioned he showed us last year he can play better without looking for triple doubles every night. We saw it, its in him, it just feels like he gave up one thing, in order to do another...