Don't see how Makaveli is an essential or LOX or DMX tbh. Like you can talk about hip hop history without mentioning those albums.
@ the bolded, i agree. and i believe that you saw my original top 25 list, and none of these albums were on it. in fact, these were prolly amongst the last 5 that made the cut.......which poses the question, sure youre correct with the bolded, but could you say the same if you were told that you had to mention a minimum of 40 albums?
makaveli is the essential soundtrack to the hottest topic in rap history. now that i think about it, i actually took its importance for granted when i was making this list. it shouldve prolly been on that original top 25.
edit: @juvenile hell just beat me to the punch on that makaveli response.
i just explained the lox pick in my previous post. and i dont see how you can gloss over that album unless youre ignoring the east coast after '99.
you cant talk hip-hop history without DMX.