Rumors,feuds,and scandals from Old Black Hollywood


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
According to Tammi Terrell's sister (Ludie), James Brown enticed the impressionable 17-year-old Tammi with lavish gifts and luxuries when she toured with the James Brown Review.

When Tammi's mother and sister visited her in New York. Her suite was beautiful and spacious with a sitting area and bedroom. The space was adorned with an array of flowers that complimented the colors of the decor.

James Brown spoiled Tammi. He even had cosmetologists who took care of all Tammi's needs. She had professional hair weaves, daily facials, manicures and pedicures.

James also bought her many presents which included furs, jewelry and gorgeous ensembles; the next outfit was more beautiful than the last.

Tammi took us shopping and bought us expensive gifts at Saks Fifth Avenue. When we returned, we entered Tammi's room, we saw that James Brown was sleeping in Tammi's bed. He woke up abruptly, greeted us politely and left. Mother seemed awfully worried and confused but Brown's assistant-Gertie assured her that she kept a watchful eye out for Tammi on the road.

A short while later, the brutal beatings started.

Marvin Gaye would become Tammi Terrell's most trusted friend, play big brother and confidant later in life-when she signed with Motown. After her death, allegedly, Gaye never forgot Brown's rumored treatment of Terrell. When he encountered Brown at industry events, he was civil but distant.
this is wild cause marvin was out here beating women too


May 19, 2012
Tom Jones knocked down a lot of black women in the industry (Mary Wilson,Leslie Uggams etc)
all the while saying little racist remarks about them

mary wilson

Leslie Uggams
Rumor is Tom Jones is hung like a horse and washes his penis with mouthwash.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

Janis Hunter was a mother of two in her early 20s when her longtime lover, father of her children and one of the world’s most lusted-after soul singers, Marvin Gaye, suggested an amorous liaison with another couple.

The four had been smoking weed and snorting cocaine when Gaye noticed the pair sizing her up.

“I think they want to take this party to the next phase,” he said. “A small intimate orgy is just what the doctor ordered.”

He didn’t participate but acted as ringleader, urging on the sexual proceedings between his hesitant, eager-to-please girlfriend, 17 years his junior, and the couple they had just met.

After, Gaye projected his joy at the event onto Hunter. He projected something else as well.

“You loved it, didn’t you,” he asked.

“Not especially.”

“Oh, dear, please don’t deny it. You were an animal in heat. You couldn’t get enough. This was your dream come true.”

“Not my dream, Marvin. Yours.”

The next night, when the other couple returned for more, Gaye’s enthusiasm had become something else. He told Hunter, “You go off with them if you want. I can’t stop you. I won’t try.”

She refused, the couple left and Gaye told her how he really felt about the fantasy that his prodding had made real.

“To watch purity turn to perversity is a fascinating thing,” he told her. “You were once my angel. But now you have fallen. And yes, I do admit, it is exciting to watch you fall.”


They also partied with Richard Pryor, who invited them one night “to watch bikini-clad dancers having sex with each other.”

“The evening was uncomfortable for me, but I went along with the program,” writes Hunter.

Another night at Pryor’s, the comedian “got so coked up that he hit his wife over the head with a wine bottle and called everyone at the table ‘a f—in’ whore’ except me. Marvin laughed and said I should be flattered.”

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall invited them to Studio 54, and after meeting Ryan O’Neal at a popular LA eatery, Hunter was dismayed to find the “Love Story” actor, who was standing behind her, making an awkward and unwanted connection.

“He made his move with great subtlety, but there was no mistaking the feel of his penis against my neck,” she writes. “As he spoke with Marvin, he kept pressing ever so slightly. I didn’t know what to do or say. So I did nothing.”

Noting a chemistry between Hunter and Maze singer Frankie Beverly, Gaye did everything he could to set up an illicit liaison between the two. When Beverly came for a visit, Gaye not only booked him a room at a local motel but booked the adjoining room for Hunter, saying he needed her out of the house so he could focus on music.

As Hunter and Beverly smoked a joint in Hunter’s hotel room, well aware of the awkwardness, there was a loud bang at the door. It was Gaye, seemingly hoping to catch them in the act. Beverly crawled back to his room on his hands and knees, and Gaye found Hunter alone.

In time, torn by Gaye’s cruel treatment, Jan slept with Beverly and also hooked up with Teddy Pendergrass, Gaye’s main musical rival.

Gaye’s jealousy turned violent. One day, high on a blend of psychedelic mushrooms and cocaine, he started to talk about Jan’s betrayals and became “enraged.”

“He took a kitchen knife and put it to my throat,” she writes. “I was petrified, paralyzed. I thought it was all over.”

Gaye told her, “I’ve loved you too much. This love is killing me. I beg you to provoke me. Provoke me right now so I can take us both out of our misery.”

Gaye’s rage subsided before he could do physical harm, but for Jan, this was the final straw. She took the kids and fled.

The next five years saw Gaye, Jan and their children embroiled in nasty back-and-forth battles, including, after Jan brought the kids to see Gaye in Hawaii, his refusing to let Frankie leave, causing Jan to not see her son for over a year.

Gaye, out of his mind on cocaine, would tell Jan that the “end days” were approaching or accuse her of sending her father or gang members to try to kill him.

Financially broken from battles with Anna and the IRS, he wound up living with his young son in “an abandoned Helms Bakery truck.”

Jan, now working odd jobs and couch-hopping with her daughter, filed for divorce in 1982. Gaye, destitute, paid no child support.

Gaye was shot to death in a brutal fight with his father on April 1, 1984.
May 3, 2012
St louis
Y'all gone have to read the whole Miles autobiography if you want to keep up with all the fukkery

For now I'll drop this gem of an excerpt from the autobiography about a young Miles hanging out with Charlie Parker back when Miles first came to New York from St Louis:

"He was a great and genius musician, man, but he was also on of the slimiest and greediest motherfukkers who ever lived in this world, at least that I ever met. He was something.
I remember one time we was coming down to The Street to play from uptown and Bird had this white bytch in the back of the taxi with us. He had done already shot up a lot of heroin and now the motherfukker’s eating chicken— his favorite food — and drinking whiskey and telling the bytch to get down and suck his dikk. Now, I wasn’t used to that kind of shyt back then— I was hardly even drinking, I think I had just started smoking— and I definitely wasn’t into drugs yet because I was only nineteen years old and hadn’t seen no shyt like that before. Anyway, Bird noticed that I was getting kind of uptight with the woman sucking all over his dikk and everything, and him sucking on her p*ssy. So he asked if something was wrong with me, and if his doing this was bothering me. When I told him that I felt uncomfortable with them doing what they were doing in front of me, with her licking and slapping her tongue like a dog all over his dikk and him making all that moaning noise in between taking bites of chicken, I told him, “Yeah, it’s bothering me.” So you know what that motherfukker said? He told me that if it was bothering me, then I should turn my head and not pay attention I couldn’t believe that shyt, that he actually said that to me. The cab was real small and we all three were in the backseat, so where was I supposed to turn m head? What I did was to stick my head outside the taxi window, but I could still hear them motherfukkers getting down and in between, Bird smacking his lips all over that fried chicken. Like I said, he was something, all right."



Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
In 1974, a few years after he became a giant star, Al Green was at his girlfriend, Mary Woodson's, house. She was married at the time... but, naturally, she started a fight with Al when he told her he wasn't also going to marry her. (?)

To get away from the fight, he hopped in the shower... while he was in there, Mary took a pan of boiling grits and dumped them over the top of the shower door. It gave Al third-degree burns on his back, stomach and arms.

Then she shot herself with his gun... and he realized his life was out of control and decided he needed to get back to God as quickly as possible.
Every time I hear this story I always crack the hell up about this part! :mjlol:

Krazy K

All Star
May 15, 2015
Y'all gone have to read the whole Miles autobiography if you want to keep up with all the fukkery

For now I'll drop this gem of an excerpt from the autobiography about a young Miles hanging out with Charlie Parker back when Miles first came to New York from St Louis:

"He was a great and genius musician, man, but he was also on of the slimiest and greediest motherfukkers who ever lived in this world, at least that I ever met. He was something.
I remember one time we was coming down to The Street to play from uptown and Bird had this white bytch in the back of the taxi with us. He had done already shot up a lot of heroin and now the motherfukker’s eating chicken— his favorite food — and drinking whiskey and telling the bytch to get down and suck his dikk. Now, I wasn’t used to that kind of shyt back then— I was hardly even drinking, I think I had just started smoking— and I definitely wasn’t into drugs yet because I was only nineteen years old and hadn’t seen no shyt like that before. Anyway, Bird noticed that I was getting kind of uptight with the woman sucking all over his dikk and everything, and him sucking on her p*ssy. So he asked if something was wrong with me, and if his doing this was bothering me. When I told him that I felt uncomfortable with them doing what they were doing in front of me, with her licking and slapping her tongue like a dog all over his dikk and him making all that moaning noise in between taking bites of chicken, I told him, “Yeah, it’s bothering me.” So you know what that motherfukker said? He told me that if it was bothering me, then I should turn my head and not pay attention I couldn’t believe that shyt, that he actually said that to me. The cab was real small and we all three were in the backseat, so where was I supposed to turn m head? What I did was to stick my head outside the taxi window, but I could still hear them motherfukkers getting down and in between, Bird smacking his lips all over that fried chicken. Like I said, he was something, all right."


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
R&B singer, Joe Tex
, best known for his hits “Skinny Legs And All” and “Ain’t Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman)” had a bitter rivalry with James Brown
that went beyond simple diss tracks. At one point the feud became so heated that James Brown attempted to murder Tex with a shotgun, reportedly wounding six or seven people in the process.

That time James Brown tried to murder Joe Tex with a shotgun

Joe Tex, tho... :dwillhuh:

Didn't even realize he was threatening Brown's shine enough for there to be a "rivalry"


Janis Hunter was a mother of two in her early 20s when her longtime lover, father of her children and one of the world’s most lusted-after soul singers, Marvin Gaye, suggested an amorous liaison with another couple.

The four had been smoking weed and snorting cocaine when Gaye noticed the pair sizing her up.

“I think they want to take this party to the next phase,” he said. “A small intimate orgy is just what the doctor ordered.”

He didn’t participate but acted as ringleader, urging on the sexual proceedings between his hesitant, eager-to-please girlfriend, 17 years his junior, and the couple they had just met.

After, Gaye projected his joy at the event onto Hunter. He projected something else as well.

“You loved it, didn’t you,” he asked.

“Not especially.”

“Oh, dear, please don’t deny it. You were an animal in heat. You couldn’t get enough. This was your dream come true.”

“Not my dream, Marvin. Yours.”

The next night, when the other couple returned for more, Gaye’s enthusiasm had become something else. He told Hunter, “You go off with them if you want. I can’t stop you. I won’t try.”

She refused, the couple left and Gaye told her how he really felt about the fantasy that his prodding had made real.

“To watch purity turn to perversity is a fascinating thing,” he told her. “You were once my angel. But now you have fallen. And yes, I do admit, it is exciting to watch you fall.”


They also partied with Richard Pryor, who invited them one night “to watch bikini-clad dancers having sex with each other.”

“The evening was uncomfortable for me, but I went along with the program,” writes Hunter.

Another night at Pryor’s, the comedian “got so coked up that he hit his wife over the head with a wine bottle and called everyone at the table ‘a f—in’ whore’ except me. Marvin laughed and said I should be flattered.”

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall invited them to Studio 54, and after meeting Ryan O’Neal at a popular LA eatery, Hunter was dismayed to find the “Love Story” actor, who was standing behind her, making an awkward and unwanted connection.

“He made his move with great subtlety, but there was no mistaking the feel of his penis against my neck,” she writes. “As he spoke with Marvin, he kept pressing ever so slightly. I didn’t know what to do or say. So I did nothing.”

Noting a chemistry between Hunter and Maze singer Frankie Beverly, Gaye did everything he could to set up an illicit liaison between the two. When Beverly came for a visit, Gaye not only booked him a room at a local motel but booked the adjoining room for Hunter, saying he needed her out of the house so he could focus on music.

As Hunter and Beverly smoked a joint in Hunter’s hotel room, well aware of the awkwardness, there was a loud bang at the door. It was Gaye, seemingly hoping to catch them in the act. Beverly crawled back to his room on his hands and knees, and Gaye found Hunter alone.

In time, torn by Gaye’s cruel treatment, Jan slept with Beverly and also hooked up with Teddy Pendergrass, Gaye’s main musical rival.

Gaye’s jealousy turned violent. One day, high on a blend of psychedelic mushrooms and cocaine, he started to talk about Jan’s betrayals and became “enraged.”

“He took a kitchen knife and put it to my throat,” she writes. “I was petrified, paralyzed. I thought it was all over.”

Gaye told her, “I’ve loved you too much. This love is killing me. I beg you to provoke me. Provoke me right now so I can take us both out of our misery.”

Gaye’s rage subsided before he could do physical harm, but for Jan, this was the final straw. She took the kids and fled.

The next five years saw Gaye, Jan and their children embroiled in nasty back-and-forth battles, including, after Jan brought the kids to see Gaye in Hawaii, his refusing to let Frankie leave, causing Jan to not see her son for over a year.

Gaye, out of his mind on cocaine, would tell Jan that the “end days” were approaching or accuse her of sending her father or gang members to try to kill him.

Financially broken from battles with Anna and the IRS, he wound up living with his young son in “an abandoned Helms Bakery truck.”

Jan, now working odd jobs and couch-hopping with her daughter, filed for divorce in 1982. Gaye, destitute, paid no child support.

Gaye was shot to death in a brutal fight with his father on April 1, 1984.

My gosh.
