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just mean theyre building a better bomb
for sony's already fragile buildings.....
So explain to me why if the ps4 is making microsoft go back and make thier system better is a win for sony?
well this far along into development you cant just go back and say hey put some more RAM in there and lets ship. lol
damn..i guess it was true. microsoft was still trying to establish the kinect audience on the 360, while nickel and diming the gamers. they were not ready for a war after throwing rocks at the throne. a wise man once told me " A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal" - grayfox
You and this Enter bar thing = shyt posting
You and this Enter bar thing = shyt posting
And I know more than a few people who never had problems with their 360...then again, they bought later down the line, and didn't deal with 9 defective systems like I did
nah im waiting for next gen, not the company that is just getting cross game chat and headset in consoles
You mean like them rinky dink hesdsets that you have to plug into the xbox controller??
We been wireless blu tooth capable since 06 patna
you do realize ps4 is about to use a plug in controller right
you do realize ps4 is about to use a plug in controller right