What's Dean Cain up to
What about Cavill did you like because he wasnt given much to do. He barley spoke in MoSI actually liked him as Superman and really wanted to see a Man Of Steel 2 with him. At this point just reboot the entire DCEU.
I wish it was that easy, I really do but apparently it's extremely difficult to set up the Justice League as a Team and execute a BVS feud without calling it what it is. It's difficult to set up the Green Lantern Corps and to even get Suicide Squad right, it's Hard to get a good version of Barry Allen that people want to see as The Flash and a number of other things cannot happen because WB is far too unstable and indecisive to make someone as important as Darkseid happen.it cannot be this hard to get the DCEU going. keep it simple. whatever MCU is doing, follow the exact same blueprint. let DC run things. smh
Just saw it... thought it was meh. Kinda long-winded and shyt. 6/10 DC needs to hit one out of the park with the next movie or they're done.
Well,saying they need to hit out of the park with the next one or they're done is just silly...
When Thanos snapped his fingers, he wasn't playing
The fukk you thought it was?
"Hear me and rejoice! You have had the privilege of your movie franchise saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No...it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile...for even in death, you have become children of Thanos!" - Ebony MawI really liked Cavil as Superman, WB really sunk this franchise, it had all the right pieces, but failed, I concede....
I am bending the knee....
Marvel has won....
That snap hit the multiverse breh.....