I'll handle all the speculation so nobody else has too
You can't compete with gamepass. You either offer the same experience (with minor differences) or you fall short.
Now 99% of all games are MULTIPLAT so duplicating what gamepass does isn't impossible. 1st party games are better on Xbox this gen so far and Sony seems to be content with giving you more of the same imo. TBC on which is better but 2021 was year of Xbox
Now looking at this tweet, it's very vague, doesn't say what's included with each tier but they letting y'all know they wanna include access to PS1,2,psp games as a possible

feature except that's a HORRIBLE idea. Everything that was exclusive back then been MULTIPLAT.
That would be like Microsoft going "Get the 3rd tier of gamepass so you can play Xbox originals"
The truth is that 3rd tier will have 1st party day 1 PS5 games, they'll have all the older games too thanks to Microsoft azure. The service will not be as cheap as gamepass because they can't afford to do that, they not future proof

(where did I hear that before???)
Sony stans will say it's worth it, I'll admit it's better than nothing. Starfield drops 11/11/22...