GPT came into the debate purposefully trying to be less rumbustious and spent the night getting sonned.
Christie did tonight what we expected him to do in the first debate, focus on why Trump is not the answer.
DeSantis is afraid of burning bridges, his circle has clearly had that talk about bowing out to salvage his political career.
Haley had another consistent performance with the exception of that horrific Mexico strategy. And no one is freezing Chinese trade over fentanyl, I don't care how many bodies fall here - it's not happening.
Tim's old yes masa ass did better this go around but as the only black candidate, someone needs to sit him down and help him understand any significant movement on his side would require people who look like him. The "we overcame slavery" bit is not going to do it for him.
Doug Doug Doug...we can say he's the only candidate who does any real research but I'm certain we've seen the last of him.
Pence clearly got some advice to lay off the Jesus juice and attempt to be more likeable...Mother is not going to be pleased with his sins.
It's telling that everyone with the exception of Christie, and Ron Ron before he got scared, spent the entire night running against each other rather than the guy who is all but guarantied the nomination. They're in full blown audition mode.