Most of these "best" lists - whether rap, sports, etc - are affected by ignorance/lack of respect towards eras in which the voters did NOT grow up in. The sensibility of "if I didn't personally witness it/grow up in it, then it is automatically disqualified from greatness" underpins and permeates the majority of these discussions.
That may not be the case with these two cornballs, but it's definitely true of this website.
Equally, the close mindedness of older heads to discount anything that THEY didn't experience - or that they don't rock with - is just as bad.
That's why there's truly no such thing as a "definitive list", no matter the genre or category. Like, you'll NEVER convince someone's grandad that Wilt or Russell aren't the greatest players ever, you'll never convince 90s heads that the Golden Era truly started in the 80s, etc. I mean, you'll never convince one of my students that NBA Youngboy ain't one of the greatest rappers in history.
You can't legislate subjectivity.