Nope..its been booked on Raw and every program on Raw sucks.So the first ever Wrestlemania centered around women is a fukking trainwreck...I'm shocked![]()
Alexa Bliss, who was in two str8 women's title matches the last two years at Mania, is a fake wannabe Pam Anderson tease bytch and hasnt even turned face for it like Trish Stratus. Basically wasting screen time. Fell off.
Elias is a comedy heel. Saying wild stuff following the Hollywood Rock mantra in a disguised fabrication. Jobber.
The Shield reunion is silly again..they tossed out feuds and heel turns to get another big pop for Roman.
Seth is out there apologizing and bowing down to Roman every week like a hoe. We all know the result to his match with Lesnar after taking 6 F5s. That was predictable from that day.
The tag champions lose every fukking week and they just won the title

Cripple H is so unover and a chump that he had to resort to real names, sons dying, and all kind of silly bull$hit that has nothing to do with making money. Just crazy.
Steph has turned wannabe face which seems to be a set up for her to side with Ronda..but Steph is so illogical that nothing with has made since with her since she came out the night after Summerslam 13 to be Bryan's arch rival.
They got Sasha and Bayley doing marketing and jobbing after just winning belts. One of like 3 or 4 black talents that lost this You do the math on that.
Lesnar is afraid to talk
So the only thing buzzing is Becky, Bryan, and Kofi for the Smackdown crowd of things.
They said fukk the Undertaker Dont even want to mention him.
So Raw is a trainwreck..been a trainwreck since your hero The Rebel was getting punked out at Summerslam 2011 by Nash and Del Rio.