You were probably just overthinking. As in, "it's coming - what do I do?" Well, you get out the way. How? shyt, by any means necessary. In time, it becomes more natural. I have ADD and I spar/box just fine, but that's probably because I've played tennis since I was 11. You keep your eye on that very tiny ball coming at you or you're go home with some serious bruises all over your body. (If you hit your opponent on the return or during the rally, you win the point.)
I can't believe they were laughing at you in your gym when you sparred! As if none of them ever got their bells rung in the past. I'm glad you left that gym. If you did that where I trained, your ass was out. And I mean o-u-t. OUT.
The fukk? Did you train with Ronda? That's the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard of. No way you should've been sparring for at LEAST three months. Even before head movement and footwork, you have to know how to a throw a punch! Body movement, mechanics and all that. And they sure as hell shouldn't have been aiming for your head (front or sides), not at that time.
If you ever want to reconsider training again, please do. Don't let that one terrible gym stop you. Hell, you don't even have to spar if you don't want to. Get a partner & hit the pads, or stay on body bag. That's perfectly fine, too.