Hell, I don't remember any of Edge's reigns tbh besides cashing in at NYR. I remember him holding the WHC too obviously but not in complete detail like we should recall when guys win the big titlesIn spite of what the company may think, the amount of times you won a heavyweight title doesn’t make you special. I can’t recall more than 3-4 Orton runs and the most, and one was him being handed the belt only to lose it minutes later. I can’t recall more than 4-6 memorable things happening the entire time Cena held a title too. Jack swagger got one. Del rio got what, 3-4 title runs and nothing memorable about them at all. It’s actually doing memorable things and making a real impact that makes a run good.

Basically what you said, dudes now be 15 time champions but can barely recall 3 of their title reigns