Did y'all even listen to the video? He made very valid and compelling points about CNN and the media in general. To those saying "he wasn't calling them racist when he had a job" Well that was the point. He took the job to prove himself and not only did he prove himself be proved that he deserved a larger role, maybe even his own show. How was rewarded for all his hard work? He was pushed out the door.
Andat twimy calling anybody a "cornball"
I fully agree with the notion that CNN has racist hiring, firing and programming motivations but Roland isn't the one to be selling this message.
He suckled at the teat of CNN for years doing nothing of note and now is just speaking out because he got dropped. He should have been pushing for more diversity in hiring in front and behind the camera while he was there instead of being a passive tool of the corporate media he is lambasting now that he is out in the cold.