Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread]


May 11, 2012
East ATL
They're reshooting 40% of the film :damn:

How extensive will the Rogue One reshoots be?

Since the weekend, there was a lot of dust kicked up on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. By late Sunday night, the news began to hit the gossip sites and the trades alike. I reached out to several sources to find out exactly what was going on with Rogue One. When I asked a few crew members what was being reshot they laughed and said “everything.” Of course they were kidding but from the sound of it, the shooting will be extensive.

Here are the common themes in what people behind the scenes are saying:

  • Some crew initially heard J.J. Abrams was supervising the reshoots.
  • Gareth Edwards is doing the reshoots himself but with a partner, Christopher McQuarrie.
  • Christopher McQuarrie, the final writer on Rogue One will be working extensively with Edwards onset to make sure they’re on the “same page” with the most recent draft of the film.
  • Christopher McQuarrie’s draft of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was considered superior to the film they shot previously.
  • It was not Edwards’ fault as McQuarrie’s draft wasn’t completed when much of the film was shot and revisions kept coming in that made the film feel uneven.
  • 32 sets have been recreated for the reshoot.
  • The crew expects they are reshooting 40% of the film.
  • They are working 6 days a week for 8 weeks.
So that’s the word on the reshoots going down. The vibe doesn’t seem bad. It seems like they’re making the movie right. When the movie began filming there was a lot of talk that the budget had been greatly reduced slightly before shooting meaning more CGI would be needed. Now it looks like the movie is going to cost what it was supposed to cost from the start. The quality of the film wasn’t bad, it just needs to be better and all involved are happy to make that happen.

It is important to remember that this movie doesn’t come out until December. If it were September and people were saying the movie was awful we would be screwed and stuck with a bad film. That’s not the case here. The reshoots were always part of the plan but they’re way more shots to be redone than they initially thought.

I’m not that crazy about execs saying what works for films. They tend to turn out the same crap over and over again. It doesn’t sound like the situation is exactly like that here. It sounds like its a pretty good situation where everyone wants to make the film better than it was. As a Star Warsfan, I’m pretty happy they care enough to make sure it is right.
Sep 12, 2013
this is the same guy that made a godzilla movie with barely any godzilla in it.

perhaps he made a star wars movie with little "star wars" in it.

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
Im concerned about this movie i have never heard of a good movie with a bunch of reshoots.
You should be. All our fears have been confirmed by this nikka:Forget all the crap about people saying they know what happens in a movie that hasn't wrapped principle photography (VIII) Who wants to know what happens in Rogue One? • /r/starwarsspeculation

Seems 100% legit. The film is dark and very Saving Private Ryanish, but that won't make enough money for Disnay, so they're ordering reshoots to fakkit it up for the kids. I'm pissed AF and so is Gareth Edwards. Read that link, the whole movie is spoiled in there. And it sounds good, but this is before reshoots. fukk DISNAY.


May 1, 2012
You should be. All our fears have been confirmed by this nikka:Forget all the crap about people saying they know what happens in a movie that hasn't wrapped principle photography (VIII) Who wants to know what happens in Rogue One? • /r/starwarsspeculation

Seems 100% legit. The film is dark and very Saving Private Ryanish, but that won't make enough money for Disnay, so they're ordering reshoots to fakkit it up for the kids. I'm pissed AF and so is Gareth Edwards. Read that link, the whole movie is spoiled in there. And it sounds good, but this is before reshoots. fukk DISNAY.
Its got the star wars name on it will make plenty of money that might change in the future once there are a thousand star wars movies but atm people are still thirsty for more star wars.


Dec 5, 2012
You should be. All our fears have been confirmed by this nikka:Forget all the crap about people saying they know what happens in a movie that hasn't wrapped principle photography (VIII) Who wants to know what happens in Rogue One? • /r/starwarsspeculation

Seems 100% legit. The film is dark and very Saving Private Ryanish, but that won't make enough money for Disnay, so they're ordering reshoots to fakkit it up for the kids. I'm pissed AF and so is Gareth Edwards. Read that link, the whole movie is spoiled in there. And it sounds good, but this is before reshoots. fukk DISNAY.

Mods confirmed that post as fake days ago. Dude has no verifiable info or credentials
Last edited:


Jul 26, 2014
Forest Whitaker's 'Rogue One' character has a rich 'Star Wars' history

Meet the Rebel fighter who’s so extreme that the other good guys aren’t sure if he really is one.

Forest Whitaker’s character has been one of the more closely held secrets of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but Lucasfilm is ready now to make his identity official: this shadowy freedom-fighter is Saw Gerrera, a figure with a surprisingly deep background in galactic history.

The warrior — seen in the Rogue One trailer asking, “If you continue to fight, what will you become?” — was actually first seen in season 5 of The Clone Wars animated series, when he was a young man on the planet Onderon, unleashing guerilla combat on the droid army of Separatists who took over his world.

Along with his sister, Steela, he fought alongside Darth Vader — back when the Sith lord was just an impetuous young Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. In the episode A War on Two Fronts, which aired in October 2012, Saw and Steela were part of an insurgent group being unofficially trained by Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the padawan Ahsoka Tano.

While it wouldn’t be right to spoil what happens to their characters in that story arc, which can be caught up with now on Netflix, suffice to say that Saw pays a steep cost for his resistance, and remains mistrustful of any authority except his own for the rest of his days. There never will be a peacetime for him.


In the show, Saw was voiced by Andrew Kishino, and Whitaker’s appearance has some subtle homages to The Clone Wars character. The eyes are different — the animated show featured vivid aquamarine eyes, while Whitaker’s are brown — but they maintained the scar that slices up over his left eye. (In the cartoon, it bisects the eyebrow, but in the live-action film, the cut arches just above it.) In this new image of Whitaker, he also looks fairly different than what we first saw in the trailer. Here, he has a full head of hair, while in the previous footage he was shaved.

By the time Rogue One takes place, just before the events of 1977’s original Star Wars, more than two decades have passed since the events of Revenge of the Sith. As played by The Last King of ScotlandOscar-winner, Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera is bulkier, more battle-hardened with the years, and maybe a little shellshocked. He has continued to fight; and, as he suggested in the trailer, he has become something — and it’s not quite a hero. Rather, he’s a man who has tried to do the right thing by occasionally doing questionable things.

“Consider him kind of a battered veteran who leads a band of Rebel extremists,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy tells EW. “He’s on the fringe of the Rebel Alliance. Even [they] are a little concerned about him.”

One reason we saved his reveal until now, in addition to him having a deeper backstory than the other new characters, is that Saw is an ally to the Rebel squad in Rogue One, but he’s not really one of them. “He’s off on his own,” Kennedy says.

In Claudia Gray’s recent Leia-centric novel Star Wars: Bloodline, set approximately midway between the events of Return of the Jedi andThe Force Awakens, the princess-turned-politician is confronted by a rival who challenges her on the “terrorist tactics of the Rebel Alliance,” specifically citing “the campaigns of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans.”

For Rogue One, they needed a character on the borderline, someone who would represent the extreme end of the fight against the Emperor. Producer John Knoll’s idea was to show how the Death Star is a threat that pulls the disparate Rebel factions into a place of unity. The Lucasfilm story group plucked Saw Gerrera from Clone Wars history as a good candidate for a radical.

“The Death Star is the event that sort of pulls everybody into a place of unity, and prior to that it’s a little bit more divided. Who are at the different ends of that spectrum?” says Kiri Hart, Lucasfilm’s head of story development.

It was also a way to incorporate a character created by George Lucas, who has stepped back from Star Wars storytelling after selling Lucasfilm to Disney, but was deeply involved in The Clone Wars series with executive producer Dave Filoni (now overseeing the animated Rebels show).

Hart and fellow story group member Pablo Hidalgo were among those knew some of the as-yet-unseen character storylines that Lucas had in mind, and Saw’s fit right in with what they needed for Rogue One.

In that way, Saw Gerrera’s part in this movie could be called — destiny.

For more on the character, Hidalgo appears on today’s episode ofThe Star Wars Show to offer some new insights into his history.

It's dope that they're bringing Clone Wars characters into the movies.

If they bring in Cad Bane at some point :banderas:


Jul 6, 2014
Forest Whitaker's 'Rogue One' character has a rich 'Star Wars' history

It's dope that they're bringing Clone Wars characters into the movies.

If they bring in Cad Bane at some point :banderas:
So dope :blessed:


Entertainment Weekly reveals tons of information for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
by Corey

If you remember when Entertainment Weekly covered Star Wars: The Force Awakens last year, then you’ll remember how much news and photos came out of that coverage for the film. Entertainment Weekly just announced that their coverage for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will begin today! They have revealed some information on what they will be posting about in the coming days, as well as a sneak peak of their Friday cover:


Check out some of the information that they will be releasing:

•New information about Jyn Erso (The Theory of Everything’s Felicity Jones), the outlaw who has clashed with both the Rebellion and the Empire, and now has a chance to clear her ledger of past wrongs by leading a mission for the good guys. It’s also personal – her father, played by Mads Mikkelsen, is a scientist whose knowledge is sought by both sides.

•Full details of the squad of characters uniting to take on the Empire, played by the most multicultural cast to appear in a Star Wars film yet: Diego Luna, Jiang Wen, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Forest Whitaker, and Alan Tudyk – as a performance-capture droid. (One of these has been seen before by Star Wars fans.)

•A look at the skullduggery inside the Imperial ranks, as seen through the eyes of a new villain: Ben Mendelsohn’s ambitious officer, who’s eager to earn the favor of the Emperor – and avoid the wrath of his black-masked enforcer.
•Candid revelations from the filmmakers about what the current reshoots are adding to the story as the film nears its December release.

•Finally, confirmation of what fans have hoped ever since the project was announced: Vader is back. We have a run-down of the Sith lord’s first day on set, and what his return means for the larger Star Wars storytelling universe.

Here’s a featurette from Good Morning America today!

They confirmed a lot of what we have been saying the past couple of months including who Jyn’s father is, some of the Rebels, and of course the biggest revalation, Darth Vader! Stay tuned later today for more Rogue One: A Star Wars Story news!

Entertainment Weekly reveals new info on characters from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story