this dude too scared to kill himself
let it go dog its over and you and Bonds will be remembered as cheaters
Pedro/Maddux/JR the goat 90s players
90s Bonds > 90s Griffey
this dude too scared to kill himself
let it go dog its over and you and Bonds will be remembered as cheaters
Pedro/Maddux/JR the goat 90s players
90s Bonds > 90s Griffey
Frank Thomas was a better hitter than both of them... While clean
Frank Thomas was a better hitter than both of them... While clean
He shouldn't be?
Where do we draw the line?
Come on..bonds pumped himself full of drugs to the point he grew 2 shoe sizes and two hat sizes
Griffey >>>
Bonds wasn't doing that in the 90s. And he was still better than Griffey.
OK, should he not be a Hall Of Famer though?
Frank Thomas was a better hitter than both of them... While clean
A few years ago I would have said no. The difference between him and Bonds/Clemens in MY EYES, is that the PEDs contributed the bulk of his value. That's unprovable and completely subjective though
I've come around though, and this point I'd say yes McGwire should be in the HOF. His numbers are deserving, and the steroid issue is so clouded that it's unfair IMO to only hold it against those players who have either admitted use or tested positive. I'm in favor of voting anyone in who deserves it, it's not like it will erase the questions about their "legitimacy"
Some voters were holding...something...against Jeff Bagwell in their voting last year. Nevermind that he was never linked to steroids at any point in his career. There weren't even whispers. The only argument was that he was a dominant power hitter who played during an era in which other players have admitted to or have been accused of using PEDs. That's shameful, but it points to the much larger issue.
Theres whispers about Bagwell as well as Piazza