Rocket League To Receive Physical Release
On a KindaFunnyGames stream today, the Vice President of Psyonix, Jeremy Dunham, revealed that Rocket League will be receiving a physical release. Neither a price or release date were given, though Dunham did say that details on the release, and what it will contain, will be coming soon.
Dunham also talked numbers, saying that the game had made over $70 million in revenue and sold nearly 4 million copies across all the platforms it's currently on.
Rocket League received a 9 in our review, with Jeff Cork calling it "one of the best competitive games I’ve played in ages." It was our Sports Game Of The Year in 2015.
Our Take
There are not many games I own digitally that I would go out of my way to buy a physical copy of. Rocket League is definitely one of them.
Rocket League To Receive Physical Release
On a KindaFunnyGames stream today, the Vice President of Psyonix, Jeremy Dunham, revealed that Rocket League will be receiving a physical release. Neither a price or release date were given, though Dunham did say that details on the release, and what it will contain, will be coming soon.
Dunham also talked numbers, saying that the game had made over $70 million in revenue and sold nearly 4 million copies across all the platforms it's currently on.
Rocket League received a 9 in our review, with Jeff Cork calling it "one of the best competitive games I’ve played in ages." It was our Sports Game Of The Year in 2015.
Our Take
There are not many games I own digitally that I would go out of my way to buy a physical copy of. Rocket League is definitely one of them.
Rocket League To Receive Physical Release