Rise of the Tomb Raider [Official Thread] PS4 finally experiencing greatness


Nov 30, 2014
4 Reasons Why Rise of The Tomb Raider Looks Dull & Boring


So a few days back, after almost driving fans feral with the lack of information since it was announced, finally Crystal Dynamics decided to let us see some actual gameplay stuff of the latest strangely named Tomb Raider game, at this year’s E3. And I must say it wasn’t worth the wait. Let me enumerate my reasons for being a malcontent.
1. Lara looks like a different person, AGAIN.
Franchise veterans would know that this is not a new occurrence and Ms. Croft always has been somewhat like a human incarnation of the Many-Faced Gods, but it still doesn’t make it any less annoying. After the series was rebooted one would have hoped they would finally settle down on one a single look. They had put quite an effort too, sculpting a new face for our aged heroine and they marketed it quite a bit so you would think they’d have stuck with it a bit more, but nope.
The reboot became extra notorious for having not one version of Lara’s face, but two! (one for the regular version and another for the so-called ‘definitive edition’) It split the fanbase with some claiming Lara looks better in the second case and others claiming the opposite. I always used to think the original 2013 Lara looked the prettiest, maybe because I had gotten quite attached to it. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, knowing the franchise’s history. Both of reboot faces now no longer matter and our British heroine has a new face, like always. A girl must change her faces. A fan must endure.


They even changed her fukking eye colour!

2. This looked like Tomb Raider Reboot Remake.
Don’t make any mistakes, I simply adored the reboot and I thought that though deviating from the cores of the franchise by quite a bit, it was still a very good game in what it tried to be: an unchartedesque spectacle with a protagonist you could relate with. I liked the story which was, though fairly run-of-the-mill, adequate for the purposes of a videogame. But one turn of that is enough for me. By what I see in the trailer, this new game seems to be exactly like the reboot, now with added snow and ofcourse Lara wears a red jacket now. Ignoring the demo for a moment and just concentrating on the trailer because that contains the story bits, you can see the obvious: Lara is looking for mythical stuff and finds what she is looking for pretty early on (we know by CD’s own words that this demo takes place relatively early) but then is hit by a natural disaster. Right, that’s not how it happened the last time. Next, she is separated from her mates and must use “survivor skillz” to live by. This too, is completely new and never-seen-before. There’s also a deer-hunting scene complete with encircling wolves. Oh look, she gets caught by the bad guys and is thrown in a terrible and ah see, she escapes and in the process, discovers a hidden ruin! Needless to say, this too, is totally not how things happened in the reboot.

Now it might turn out that the game is different and it is just the trailer-makers who are all too fond of the reboot but a man can only judge by what a man can see. Believe me; if that’s the case I’ll happily eat my words and also yours. And its not as if I’m averse to the whole suriving in the wilderness, woman-versus-wild kind of thing either, it’s just that I don’t want this game to be an exact recreation of the reboot, just with added snow. However, by what the trailer shows, it seems to be more than a case of games of the same franchises being similar, it looks to be almost Dan Brown-level repetition.
Apart from being unsatisfying, it also means losing a chance of showing us how Lara has changed since her last encounter with the unfathomable. She was daring last time as well, which is why she set out on that expedition to find Yamatai in the first place. Then she gets caught by bad guys because the going was not quite what she expected. Now she knows what to expect, and she still gets caught. Vaas said the insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting human excrement to change. Maybe Lara does want human excrement to change but the writers ain’t having none of it. I don’t suggest this often but might it be because the writers simply cannot think of anything different, especially after the reboot’s success? I have great respect for the legendary Terry Pratchett’s daughter but if you go by what transpired in the books and comics succeeding the reboot, which carry on Lara’s story and which are supposedly canon; wherein the ridiculous game of rescue-my-best-friend went on the point of becoming a joke (Samantha ‘damsel in Distress’ Nishimura was saved no less than three times by Lara, along with a motley of other characters), you may begin to think this might be the case.
3. “I HATE Tombs!”
That was a joke line that Lara delivered in the reboot but what stung fans was the actual absence of tombs in a game called Tomb raider, which is why many of them took it literally. (and no, those one-room optional puzzles don’t count). The gameplay was mostly linear set pieces where you run and gun. While I liked the gameplay overall there had to be more puzzles in the game for it to be a proper TR game. And the ones that were there were embarrassingly easy. After the reaction of fans and reviewers alike on this issue, CD made the appropriate PR-friendly noises, “we’ve learned our mistakes” and “there will be more tombs”. But the demo showed us the typical reboot-style linearity and set pieces. It may well turn out that there are more tombs than the reboot, and it also may turn out that the expected increase in tombs and puzzles is merely a token one (like those token tombs in the reboot) and the gameplay is still linear, largely shooter stuff. Additional marks for copying the reboot’s moments point-to-point. Running away from falling stuff, falling down a cliff and getting your ice pick to latch on at the last moment… you name it.
4. The uncanny valley
Now admittedly this might be more of a personal affliction than a general malady but I’d mention it anyway. Fans are going gaga on the “ultra realistic facial expressions of Lara” and I’m sitting here thinking that she looks like a zombie. Seriously, watch the starting point of the trailer (where her face is rolling around in snow. Her mouth is open in an elongated way a zombie’s might, when viewing a luscious piece of human meat, or mine might on particularly sleepless nights viewing porn, which; coming to think of it, is also human meat. It is true that at some places the reboot’s facial animations were laughable, particularly at places where Lara is screaming or showing surprise so maybe that’s why people are overcompensating for this one but now her facial animations look equally wonky. A classic case of uncanny valley I think. This along with the fact that her face has physically changed from the Reboot’s one means that when I look at the woman in the trailer I simply cannot help but think ‘who is this woman? Is she the same one who escaped Yamatai?’

So there you go folks, I had to rant to get this off my chest because this was one of the three games I was looking forward to most at this year’s E3 (the others being Fallout 4 which was awesome, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided which also would probably be awesome) but this one disappointed me. Maybe I’m just overreacting and the game will turn out to be alright afterall. Hopefully.
if i want to read this much i buy a book(that is a long ass rant)... ppl bytching before they actually play the game. Ppl used to complain about the "complicated puzzles" in the older games like "when did the mayans or the moops have the time to build this shyt" now they bytch that there are no puzzles :mindblown:. They changed her looks because this is an older lara. fukk they changed the way sam fisher looks the way that agent 47 looks. I dont give a shyt about most of those thing, if the game is as entertaining as the last one im good

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
if i want to read this much i buy a book(that is a long ass rant)... ppl bytching before they actually play the game. Ppl used to complain about the "complicated puzzles" in the older games like "when did the mayans or the moops have the time to build this shyt" now they bytch that there are no puzzles :mindblown:. They changed her looks because this is an older lara. fukk they changed the way sam fisher looks the way that agent 47 looks. I dont give a shyt about most of those thing, if the game is as entertaining as the last one im good
Its a message board. You're going to do a lot of reading on here my friend.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
How you gonna call someone a nerd when you on here all day goin hard for the Xbox?? Sounds like nerd behavior to me :pachaha:

It's entertainment for me but these dudes take it serious as hell. Can't back from being in a wedding party this weekend and partying and you dudes went overdrive.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
4 Reasons Why Rise of The Tomb Raider Looks Dull & Boring


So a few days back, after almost driving fans feral with the lack of information since it was announced, finally Crystal Dynamics decided to let us see some actual gameplay stuff of the latest strangely named Tomb Raider game, at this year’s E3. And I must say it wasn’t worth the wait. Let me enumerate my reasons for being a malcontent.
1. Lara looks like a different person, AGAIN.
Franchise veterans would know that this is not a new occurrence and Ms. Croft always has been somewhat like a human incarnation of the Many-Faced Gods, but it still doesn’t make it any less annoying. After the series was rebooted one would have hoped they would finally settle down on one a single look. They had put quite an effort too, sculpting a new face for our aged heroine and they marketed it quite a bit so you would think they’d have stuck with it a bit more, but nope.
The reboot became extra notorious for having not one version of Lara’s face, but two! (one for the regular version and another for the so-called ‘definitive edition’) It split the fanbase with some claiming Lara looks better in the second case and others claiming the opposite. I always used to think the original 2013 Lara looked the prettiest, maybe because I had gotten quite attached to it. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, knowing the franchise’s history. Both of reboot faces now no longer matter and our British heroine has a new face, like always. A girl must change her faces. A fan must endure.


They even changed her fukking eye colour!

2. This looked like Tomb Raider Reboot Remake.
Don’t make any mistakes, I simply adored the reboot and I thought that though deviating from the cores of the franchise by quite a bit, it was still a very good game in what it tried to be: an unchartedesque spectacle with a protagonist you could relate with. I liked the story which was, though fairly run-of-the-mill, adequate for the purposes of a videogame. But one turn of that is enough for me. By what I see in the trailer, this new game seems to be exactly like the reboot, now with added snow and ofcourse Lara wears a red jacket now. Ignoring the demo for a moment and just concentrating on the trailer because that contains the story bits, you can see the obvious: Lara is looking for mythical stuff and finds what she is looking for pretty early on (we know by CD’s own words that this demo takes place relatively early) but then is hit by a natural disaster. Right, that’s not how it happened the last time. Next, she is separated from her mates and must use “survivor skillz” to live by. This too, is completely new and never-seen-before. There’s also a deer-hunting scene complete with encircling wolves. Oh look, she gets caught by the bad guys and is thrown in a terrible and ah see, she escapes and in the process, discovers a hidden ruin! Needless to say, this too, is totally not how things happened in the reboot.

Now it might turn out that the game is different and it is just the trailer-makers who are all too fond of the reboot but a man can only judge by what a man can see. Believe me; if that’s the case I’ll happily eat my words and also yours. And its not as if I’m averse to the whole suriving in the wilderness, woman-versus-wild kind of thing either, it’s just that I don’t want this game to be an exact recreation of the reboot, just with added snow. However, by what the trailer shows, it seems to be more than a case of games of the same franchises being similar, it looks to be almost Dan Brown-level repetition.
Apart from being unsatisfying, it also means losing a chance of showing us how Lara has changed since her last encounter with the unfathomable. She was daring last time as well, which is why she set out on that expedition to find Yamatai in the first place. Then she gets caught by bad guys because the going was not quite what she expected. Now she knows what to expect, and she still gets caught. Vaas said the insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting human excrement to change. Maybe Lara does want human excrement to change but the writers ain’t having none of it. I don’t suggest this often but might it be because the writers simply cannot think of anything different, especially after the reboot’s success? I have great respect for the legendary Terry Pratchett’s daughter but if you go by what transpired in the books and comics succeeding the reboot, which carry on Lara’s story and which are supposedly canon; wherein the ridiculous game of rescue-my-best-friend went on the point of becoming a joke (Samantha ‘damsel in Distress’ Nishimura was saved no less than three times by Lara, along with a motley of other characters), you may begin to think this might be the case.
3. “I HATE Tombs!”
That was a joke line that Lara delivered in the reboot but what stung fans was the actual absence of tombs in a game called Tomb raider, which is why many of them took it literally. (and no, those one-room optional puzzles don’t count). The gameplay was mostly linear set pieces where you run and gun. While I liked the gameplay overall there had to be more puzzles in the game for it to be a proper TR game. And the ones that were there were embarrassingly easy. After the reaction of fans and reviewers alike on this issue, CD made the appropriate PR-friendly noises, “we’ve learned our mistakes” and “there will be more tombs”. But the demo showed us the typical reboot-style linearity and set pieces. It may well turn out that there are more tombs than the reboot, and it also may turn out that the expected increase in tombs and puzzles is merely a token one (like those token tombs in the reboot) and the gameplay is still linear, largely shooter stuff. Additional marks for copying the reboot’s moments point-to-point. Running away from falling stuff, falling down a cliff and getting your ice pick to latch on at the last moment… you name it.
4. The uncanny valley
Now admittedly this might be more of a personal affliction than a general malady but I’d mention it anyway. Fans are going gaga on the “ultra realistic facial expressions of Lara” and I’m sitting here thinking that she looks like a zombie. Seriously, watch the starting point of the trailer (where her face is rolling around in snow. Her mouth is open in an elongated way a zombie’s might, when viewing a luscious piece of human meat, or mine might on particularly sleepless nights viewing porn, which; coming to think of it, is also human meat. It is true that at some places the reboot’s facial animations were laughable, particularly at places where Lara is screaming or showing surprise so maybe that’s why people are overcompensating for this one but now her facial animations look equally wonky. A classic case of uncanny valley I think. This along with the fact that her face has physically changed from the Reboot’s one means that when I look at the woman in the trailer I simply cannot help but think ‘who is this woman? Is she the same one who escaped Yamatai?’

So there you go folks, I had to rant to get this off my chest because this was one of the three games I was looking forward to most at this year’s E3 (the others being Fallout 4 which was awesome, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided which also would probably be awesome) but this one disappointed me. Maybe I’m just overreacting and the game will turn out to be alright afterall. Hopefully.

This deserves it's own thread.

The game will undoubtedly be a blast to play, but until the writer mentioned it, it didn't even occur to me that she DOES look way different than the last tomb raider. Definitely feels like a reboot, of the remaster, of the reboot.

@Fatboi1 you dork ass hater.

How does her face being different make the game look dull and boring?

This game is going to be fun as fukk and so is uncharted

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Dive Deeper Into Rise Of The Tomb Raider In 15-Minute E3 Theater Presentation


If you weren’t at E3 last week, you didn’t get a chance to see an extended Rise of the Tomb Raider demo. Thankfully, Microsoft has shared the theater presentation with us.
Here you’ll see Lara stranded in the Siberian wasteland, cold, alone, and in need of shelter. You’ll get a look at some of the crafting and upgrade features, as well as Lara stealthily taking out enemy forces.
