I was sitting in a lounge as a trainee to become an EMT. We were watching some game show when my supervisor came in shouting that the WTC was on fire. We turned to Channel 4 to watch it. As the footage was being televised, we heard the newscaster saying something to the effect that they had reports that a plane had crashed into the building. 10 minutes later, we saw the second plane crash into the second tower.
Peeps actually started crying. I just watched in disbelief. Couldn't really wrap my head around what I was seeing, but, out of the blue, I said 'They're gonna come down.'
30 or so minutes later.........
The dispatcher then got on the loudspeaker in the lounge and we headed up to NYC. The authorities were asking for EVERYBODY in the area to lend assistance. I'd never driven that fast in my life, breh. In a damned ambulance, doing over 100 MPH, lights and sirens blaring, straight up the NJ Turnpike as part of a gigantic convoy of emergency vehicles.
Spent 3 days up there helping sift through rubble and look for survivors with about 3 hours sleep, total. All I found was a finger, a wallet, and a pair of glasses. Luckily, I was wearing a respirator or I'd be one of the folks dying from inhaling those chemicals, like 3 of the dudes I worked with.
This event pretty much deaded my thoughts about becoming an EMT. Only thing worse was what I saw during Desert Storm and I was nowhere near any actual combat.
If you wonder why I go so hard on Conspiracy Theorists regarding this incident, now you know why. I needed answers, I found them after a couple years' research.
Those clowns need to do the same.