People have said that for years and black women aren’t in denial about these issues. As much as I can’t stand Steve Harvey he totally panders and will go after both genders. I know a lot of men don’t like my earlier post but as I said KS’s old videos were good, I agreed with most of what he said. His problem is he saw he wasn’t getting anywhere being rational so he took a hard turn against women then boom. Views go up and he gains notoriety. And there are several women out there preaching to black women about our weight, our attitudes, becoming unwed mothers. I’m looking for a black man online to come just as hard at black men instead of going after black women.That person may be out there and I’m not aware of them but a lot of people saw through the KS successful man cosplay. We are all aware of our issues and there are plenty of people in denial. KS was behind on child support until a year ago because that’s when he first started making money. A lot of what KS was preaching to young black men he wasn’t even doing for himself.
You have Oprah, Gayle King, Ricki Lake, Color Purple, Waiting to Exhale, City Girls, Megan, The Root, Clubhouse rooms, Etc. saying
“Do better black men”
“Ugh they aren’t doing what they’re suppose to be doing“
*MasterCard fund BW businesses*
“Why can’t they keep up?”
“Y’all are the problem”
“Y’all are dying”
“Y’all are down low, or in Jail”
“Y’all are deadbeats”
“Y’all not shyt” “y’all ain’t shyt” y’all ain’t shyt”
This has been going on for years & we're talking about fair.