Despite whatever circumstances
@charmander had faced in his life, or he was facing -- I cannot be moved from the thought that he would've done great things in the future. Don't mistake that as some ideal he didn't already accomplish some great feats with his time. The outpouring of love and admiration, and the impact on 1000's of people here is wholly indication that he did; yet he would've done even more. There's this axiom about life: you learn how to live life by living; if you live long enough. Given his prose, charm, wit, and overall intelligence, he would've put the pieces together in time. Hell, in the "Ain't I" thread that's in the rafters he mentioned a seminal work by Nietzsche that I'd never even heard of, and one of my majors in undergrad was philosophy. For full disclosure, I attended one of the best colleges in the country, so I know his was a grand intellect.
In what capacity that intellect would've manifested itself in his life, I don't know. I'm just certain that it would have. I'm glad that he got to share fragments of it with us through his musings and comedy. I'd like to think he's somewhere waiting on you all that were closest to him with a smile and a joke at the ready.
RIP Jared/Charmander.