I'm at a loss for words. Anoher young king gone way too early at 42...
2020 has highkey been a rough year for black people.
Unchecked police brutality involving the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and the shooting of Jacob Blake...
White supremacists unjustly killing Ahmaud Arbery...
Unchecked systemic racism and the suffering of our people while we peacefully protest...
Hollyweird pushing pedophilic nonsense like Cuties after hypocritically throwing Kobe and Michael under the bus over false allegations...
I don't have high hopes for the election coming up--we've got an orange, racist, sexual predator and Mass Incarceration 2: Electric Boogaloo running for office (who may also be a predator himself).
Losing the Black Mamba Kobe Bryant (AND his daughter

), and now the Black Panther... I can't with this year.
He did so well with so many roles (42, Get on Up), and was a hero to so many young black people when it came to representing something better. You have a whole generation of little kids growing up with Black Pride because of him
It's crazy to think that Boseman had cancer the entire time he was filming Black Panther and those Avengers movies. And all the while, he battled through like a true KING.
Rest easy, brother. You'll be missed.