Real name no gimmicks..
All good points in this thread, but its stuff we've known for years.
WWE caters to an audience of one, and until he dies or is on the brink of bankruptcy, nothing will change.
and maybe this is it. But we'll see, I've gotten my hopes up before.
edit: Also, has there ever been a form of entertainment that's had such open disdain for its fanbase like wrestling? Willfully going against those that the fans organically choose. Taking shots and making fun of the marks/smarks. You don't see Disney / Marvel and any artists doing this.
Vince always go OUT THE WAY to shyt on the fans when they act a way he doesn’t want.
Hell Vince is notorious to coming out of gorilla and telling the fans to lighten up when he feels the crowd is dead.
At the end of the year day, Vince McMahon is the problem. I don’t blame the wrestlers, creative, or anybody else. I put everything on HIM because HE allows all this shyt to go down.
He purposely doesn’t build up other superstars just to keep his favorites strong (I.E. Roman and Charlotte). If the ratings go down, instead of looking in the mirror , he blames the wrestlers that HE BOOKED.
Vinny Mac can’t pull this type of shyt with a major network like Fox. ESPECIALLY on a FRIDAY? He pulls the bullshyt he does on USA, FOX WILL drop them. And they are NOT afraid to do it..
Hunter gotta take the keys man....