brehs expand. What are "stomach issues"? How do I know the difference between a tummy ache because I been eating too much junk food and pain that means I need to go see a doctor?
The hell man
He was looking sick sick. Didn't want to believe it and I'm glad folks respected his privacy and didn't say anything. My wife said he had cancer because she sees people without every day but was unsure because she thought someone would have leaked it.
That’s not totally true..
I had a colonoscopy/EDG done at 36..
Doctor was reluctant but i persisted
Even with knowing my family history
He kept saying I was too young..
Being adamant about my issues resulted in finding tumors in my duodenum
It was a year and a half of still trying to figure out what was wrong with me
When it comes to black people
Health care professionals don’t take our issues seriously
Not saying this was the case with Chadwick
But your everyday breh/brehette goes through the most
Unless you know someone at the physicians office
Have family in the healthcare field
That’s when doctors and nurses move their ass the most
Rip Chadwick
life is truly crazy in that way, some people beat cancer like 3-4 times, some people get it once and die. Some people never smoke and get lung cancer, some people smoke every day and will die at age 95 in their bed. The healthy vegan who runs 5 miles a day can drop dead at a heart attack at 50 but the obese slob who eats fried chicken and collared greens every day lives till 100
Do you need all 3 to occur or should you check it out if you got 1.