This shyt gotta die with Heenan. It was fukking IN CHARACTER for him to question Hogan's allegiance. He never trusted nor liked Hogan. And given the turmoil the company was in (kayfabe wise) it would make sense for a paranoid heel announcer to question the babyface which he always despised. Also, logically it made sense because Hall/Nash had been wrestling by themselves without their third man for some time. It was actually the perfect storm of events for the heel announcer to be proven right. Even given all of that it was fukking unheard of for Hogan to be a bad guy so Heenan's ranting was just looked at as in character. This is a true neckbeard narrative that Heenan "gave away" the heel turn.
I don't think he spoiled it anyway because usually when any announcer says something like "he can't kickout of this" he does. Everyone was expecting Hogan to do some Hulkamania super babyface BS.
Goat heel commentator and manager, my first exposure to American pro-wrestling came by way of Demolition vs The British Bulldogs, with Heenan going from holding down commentary to managing and back without missing a step.
His health had been deteriorating for a while, so while this is not shocking, it's still sad to hear. Anytime a wrestler was paired with Heenan, he was always looked at as legit. And as a commentator, it goes without saying, he was one of the best.
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