ive got buddies that done hard time and when i ask em about ross being a former c.o they honestly dont give a shyt. most of them c.o's in there are just as cut throat as the inmates. offering nikkas to shoot a fair one, bringing dope in from outside. im not saying ross was doing this but people need to stop assuming a c.o is the same as a police officer out on the streets
yeah your right...police officers arrest people and bring them to jail
co's just make sure they dont get out

the likely hood of a co bein dirty, is pretty much the same as a police officer
in every job, wheter you work telemarketing or wendys, you go gonna have people who break rules. shyt. I know people who worked at pizza hut and was sellin they own pizza on the side for weed.

doesnt make ross sound any better. who knows what he was doin. fact is, he LIED. why? because he knows he was keepin prisoners in line.
people kill me with all that "he had to lie, he doesnt want to snitch on himself" bullshyt