Yes. They did. At least on the East. We had no idea he was a fraud.
shame on yall. he never said he was a GANGSTA so why did yall think he was?
where do you get FRAUD from? he has never called himself a gangsta. never claimed any set(gang). and i'm from L.A.
cube never claimed any gang either, neither did REN from what i remember. Eazy E was the only dude slangin from that crew from what i recall. and thats what everyone knew. everyone knew out of all of them Eazy was the real thug. the other dudes were just hood homies of each other. nothing more, nothing less.
have you ever noticed when he talked about having a gun on him it was to protect himself from other nuccas trying to take something of his. it was never about him just running up on people, or bangin on wax?
so why yall back east thought dre or anyone else not named eazy was something more then a black kid from the hood. i dont get it.
shame on yall for putting your own spin on what you THOUGHT they were. you made them something they never said they were. thats not their fault. thats on you.
Ricky Ross on the other hand. THis dude straight up told us he was a drug kingpin Don, hustla, etc. we found out later he's a CO in his past life.
wow. thats like a completed 180. thats really on some Vanilla ice type of lying. you claiming you from the hood but you grew up in the burbs going to beautifully landscaped private schools where the tuition is 20grand a year. you aint hood. you know some dudes FROM the hood. and you like the hood style. but thats about it.
this guy ross is a fraud to the 10th power. and there is no way to spin it.
if he would've come out and said, yep i was a CO... AND.... i did a lot of jobs trying to get that money the legal way. the CO job was paying well with good benees. of course some real crimees would've looked at him like

but the rest of the masses would've said, hey ya gotta do what ya gotta do. i would rather you CO then slang crack. atleast its legal. assuming you aint doing dudes shady in jail like a lot of CO's do.
but nawwww, this guy just kept the lie going. tried to act like that wasnt him. "WHO, dat aint me in those pics"