How the hell can people say "Oh, but he didn't earn it"

It says right there, he's 17, let him live. He was lucky enough to be born with parents of crazy wealth and given that he's only a teen, you can't expect him to be all about being sensible and responsible with his shyt. Maybe he'll change, maybe he won't, who cares?
What's really crazy though is the influence that hip-hop really has. From the poor to the super-rich. You got this nerdy-looking Indian kid, with all the money in the world, more so than the rappers he probably idolizes, yet he's out there talking about "Truey's", spewing all kindsa "Hoes" and various other phrases synonymous with rappers.
When this kid could be wearing $4/5000 shoes from the likes of CCP, he's out there buying Don C's LV's.
Basically, he's in a position where he could create his own lane and identity, but instead he's all about the hip-hop. Hmm ... is hip-hop to blame for his shytty, arrogant, bragadocious attitude?
Thinking outloud here. Back to the bottle. It's Sunday