How we supposed to understand that? Why don't you provide some proof
You can purchased fake stacks of $100 bills, fake Yeezys, replica True Religion jeans, Louis Vuitton luggage and scarves, and Polo clothes, he takes pictures of other people's Bentleys, Benzes, and BMWs. San Pellogrino is not expensive, and note how he never has pictures of himself driving the var, or making large purchases, on any private planes/jets, never with his family, and never in India. There are brands like Versace, Tom Ford, the more expensive Ralph Lauren lines, Ovadia & Sons, Balmain, Saint Laurent Paris, Band of Outsiders, Louboutin (for shoes) and Givenchy, that are seen on the backs (and in the closets) of people who are actually rich, that he never shows up with. The CEO of that Indian bank doesn't have a son, that was a faked Wikipedia page. Its a troll account, that's why its so ridiculous, if you've ever seen the Instagrams of kids who are actually wealthy, there is a stark contrast to Param Sharma. There are Youtube accounts (which are kind of pathetic) that are dedicated to "exposing" him as a fake. Its a clear fake. Check out Instagrams of people like andykunag, just_gram and people like that.