Rich the Kid and Usher entourage members robbed and pistol whipped in studio


Staff member
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Californ-i-a by way of BK
A lot of these rappers come to the west and set up shop. Once you do that, unless you're making millions, you can't afford real security to be with you all the time, so next best thing is to hire gang members. It's not smart, but you're kinda fukked either way. If you don't pay, nikkas gonna beat you in the head every chance they get for your jewels and cash until you decide to pay. Or you can pay nikkas and now they see you as food, and so they still gonna rob you steal from you but do it without harming you physically. And once you stop paying them, it's back to getting beat in the head again.

Unless you have a connection out West, that isn't dependent on an exchange of finance or favors, you're kinda fukked as an entertainer if you want to be extroverted. Now, if you never go to clubs, just do your shows and go home, then you could be straight. But nobody moves to LA to be a homebody. nikkas wanna be around other celebrities, groupies, you gonna need some kinda muscle to hold you down if you walking around with all these jewels and money on you.

Last option is bringing in nikkas from back home, but the problem with that is, you can't afford to move 5-6 homies to another city, and pay them a salary to survive on, unless you, yourself, are making a shyt load of money. Most of them aren't. (I mean, they are to take care of themselves and their families but not enough to take care of 5 other peoples families) Hench, nikkas coming out here getting robbed and beat up.

Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red
A lot of these rappers come to the west and set up shop. Once you do that, unless you're making millions, you can't afford real security to be with you all the time, so next best thing is to hire gang members. It's not smart, but you're kinda fukked either way. If you don't pay, nikkas gonna beat you in the head every chance they get for your jewels and cash until you decide to pay. Or you can pay nikkas and now they see you as food, and so they still gonna rob you steal from you but do it without harming you physically. And once you stop paying them, it's back to getting beat in the head again.

Unless you have a connection out West, that isn't dependent on an exchange of finance or favors, you're kinda fukked as an entertainer if you want to be extroverted. Now, if you never go to clubs, just do your shows and go home, then you could be straight. But nobody moves to LA to be a homebody. nikkas wanna be around other celebrities, groupies, you gonna need some kinda muscle to hold you down if you walking around with all these jewels and money on you.

Last option is bringing in nikkas from back home, but the problem with that is, you can't afford to move 5-6 homies to another city, and pay them a salary to survive on, unless you, yourself, are making a shyt load of money. Most of them aren't. (I mean, they are to take care of themselves and their families but not enough to take care of 5 other peoples families) Hench, nikkas coming out here getting robbed and beat up.
Aren't you from New York?


Aug 3, 2015
:francis: Iunno, I actually feel bad for Rich, breh can't even go anywhere without living in terror. Dude cant even enjoy his own life, Every month someone tries to violate him. If he's really ballin like he says he is he's got to invest in some real security.
Last edited:
Sep 1, 2014
A lot of these rappers come to the west and set up shop. Once you do that, unless you're making millions, you can't afford real security to be with you all the time, so next best thing is to hire gang members. It's not smart, but you're kinda fukked either way. If you don't pay, nikkas gonna beat you in the head every chance they get for your jewels and cash until you decide to pay. Or you can pay nikkas and now they see you as food, and so they still gonna rob you steal from you but do it without harming you physically. And once you stop paying them, it's back to getting beat in the head again.

Unless you have a connection out West, that isn't dependent on an exchange of finance or favors, you're kinda fukked as an entertainer if you want to be extroverted. Now, if you never go to clubs, just do your shows and go home, then you could be straight. But nobody moves to LA to be a homebody. nikkas wanna be around other celebrities, groupies, you gonna need some kinda muscle to hold you down if you walking around with all these jewels and money on you.

Last option is bringing in nikkas from back home, but the problem with that is, you can't afford to move 5-6 homies to another city, and pay them a salary to survive on, unless you, yourself, are making a shyt load of money. Most of them aren't. (I mean, they are to take care of themselves and their families but not enough to take care of 5 other peoples families) Hench, nikkas coming out here getting robbed and beat up.
might aswel not move to la right