Rich Arabs Give Their Children Black Slaves As Birthday Gifts


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
so providing lost Sudanese people constructive criticism and highlighting arab racism against blacks is ban worthy yet self identified arabs making light of the enslavement of AAs,genocide of Southern Sudanese, and calling blacks dogs and apes is fair game:mjpls:I see you playing stupid as if not long ago your very government was sending Southern Sudanese and Nuba Mountain slaves to Khartoum and across the Middle East:aicmon: and i've read recently you have now starting even importing your own women into arab slavery :too

August 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese embassy in Saudi Arabia said that it has received information on agencies and individuals involved in the recruitment of female domestic workers amid recent controversy.

Social networking sites and press reports over the past two days spoke of two Sudanese female maids working with Saudi families who were subject to harsh treatment and abuse.

Sudanese embassy in Saudi Arabia warns of illegal recruitment of female domestic workers - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

the more things change the more they stay the same:francis:
who are you Hind or that chick with pic of the early 19th century Sudanese actress in her avi:jbhmm:Why would you wish that i'm the best to to happen to that site and bring black consciousness to all the arab buttlicking:umad:

Now this is coming from a troll that never been anywhere beside America. No, you did not bring supposedly "black consiousness" but she only brought your own inferiority complex, which is obvious. You speak of the same crap, as you did on the forum. No, i am not the people you mentioned, nor did i ever replied to you, because i knew you was a troll.

Also, i wonder why you are on the red now, even your own people think you trash. You poor thing.

Why don't you preach our blackness to your own people. LOL

You speak in semantics so everything requires a clarification. Fair enough: by Egyptian depicted Sudanese, I refer to the blacks from the South of the Nile, since that is whom is depicted in the ancient Egyptian art. Their creation would be a few thousand years ago, which incidentally traces back to the history of your Northern mixed ancestry.

In other words, the land on which your people reside likely originally belong to the Southern Sudanese, along with in my thinking all of current day Sudan. Northern people should live further North with the Egyptians since that is likely a better "cultural and religious fit". That is a better solution than the current one with the Southern Sudanese losing significant amounts of land and manpower to Arab-backed invaders.

America and Obama should have invaded Sudan and pushed you all into Egypt, rather than let things play out as they have done.

To clarify things, there is a scientific definition to Arab so we don't have to wrangle with ambiguities about Arab identity. For our purposes, Arabs are people with direct genetic relation to the Eurasian peoples of the Middle East. Mixed people with Arab descent are those with partial Eurasian genetic relation. So in terms of this genetic heritage, are you Arab or part Arab?

If you're Northern Sudanese, the answer is yes. :mjpls:

In their paintings and depictions, the ancient Egyptians detail no Islam among the Sudanese :mjpls:
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2015
This video is indeed laughable, few black Kuwaitis.

Now this is coming from a troll that never been anywhere beside America. No, you did not bring supposedly "black consiousness" but she only brought your own inferiority complex, which is obvious. You speak of the same crap, as you did on the forum. No, i am not the people you mentioned, nor did i ever replied to you, because i knew you was a troll.

Also, i wonder why you are on the red now, even your own people think you trash. You poor thing.
so enslavement of black people by a-rabs is humorous to you:what:

your people are ashamed of their African roots and base their pride on how much alleged a-rab blood they have from of Mohammed's cousins running trains on and breeding Sudanese foremothers but i'm the one with inferiority complex.:childplease:so which one are you? we should chop it up on the Sudanese forum when my ban up..I need me onf of them of them exotic Nubian Sudanese redbone pieces on my team(though I love the chocolate too):shaq:i understand you weren't raised in Sudan..i don't wan to get to personal but have you been cut down there:damn:

:russ:you really think i care about rep on message board or the fukkboys whom negged me represent the consensus of my people...that's cute..i take it you just reached puperty

Max B

Mar 31, 2014
I've seen this exact thread like 50 times here already.

Can't get more redundant than this
Tell me about it breh its actually getting ridiculous. "Wah wah wah arabs treat black people like shyt and own slaves wah wah wahhh"

OP obv got his ass whooped by an arab hes got way to much hate. Esp for someone who never left the country let alone even have a passport.:mjlol: