nahh we aint cacs, the typical Eritrean/Ethiopian highlander has curly hair and has brown skin. We wouldnt be mistaken as anything but African. That whole Hamitic race shyt was created during a time when antropology was a science that had an agenda to paint everyone except Europeans as inferior. Most ethios/eris dont believe that shyt but usually I notice those who do tend to have self esteem problems so they hide under that racist ideology to feel glld about themselves.
There is an aspect of historical racism tho, as most Ethio/eri/somalis understood early in their history that they did look different to other african ethnicities such as the nilotes of gambella even before cacs came to the continenet and spreaded that racist ideology, but this wasnt under the light of white supremacy but xenophobia against those who looked different. Just like in south Africa where Bantu groups from the north waged wars against native Khoisands because they saw them as a different stock to themselves, horners similarly had a history of xenophobia against those they deemed to come from a different stock.

We aint perfect