It's pretty cool to notice stuff that I never did before. Here are my catches - whats yours?
When Viserys is in the tub with the prostitute, and she mentions things she's seen in life that are unbelievable, she actually says "A man from asshai with a dragonglass dagger, A man who can change his face like changing clothes and a pirate who wears his weight in gold and has coloured silk sails."
Literally a throwaway-ish scene mentions dragonglass, faceless men and possibly Euron.
Also, every episode someone is slightly shytting on Theon Greyjoy and mentioning how he's almost a slave. Even one scene when Cat Stark says "Everybody out of the tent except my son" and Theon stands there while the generals run out and one of them is like "Get out Greyjoy
" - He stayed looking for acceptance and that's what fueled his big betrayal. I mean we all knew that, but it's cool to peep the less than subtle hints.
Cersei mentions that she had a black haired son that died and she gets really sad. And then right after Ned finds Gendy. I am REALLY starting to believe that Gendry is Cerseis son.
This show was ALWAYS about the White Walkers. They are mentioned in every episode - WE the audience just got caught up in the politics like everyone else, but rewatching this - this was about the WW. Pretty cool to see.
Arya definitely tried to save her father when he got his head chopped off. She wasn't bs'ing when she was chastising Sansa in Season 7.
There's alot more...