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Hey, I love of all you.
Don't play word games, insulting and disparaging mean about same thing. What makes the word itself disparaging?
Brown Pride, I've told you that I'm not going to engage you until you show that you are of reasonable intelligence. You've failed to do that, so don't quote me unless you just feel like being insulted.
S pic
Jew (funny how a racial slur can actually just be the name of the actual group)
Tar Baby
Slant Eye
All of these are racist terms to me. Do you agree?
Lately there's been this ...wave... of anti-anti-reverse-racism post and i Just wanted to get a clear understand of where people stood and why they feel it's ok for a black person to use a derogatory term against a white person.
That's because you're an idiot, maybe even a masochist.I just quoted you.
I don't really respect all these ktl liberals that rant against racism and use cac ever since that thread where some dirty arabs where abusing a black woman and they got upset that another poster was slurring arabs, which imo showed they use cac to be cute, they are not really about that life
BS. I use the word cracker as a slang term for white people, nothing more nothing less. Why don't you explain how the term cracker is racist. I haven't gotten a legit answer for that question yet. When did cracker become a racist term?But if you are gonna say cac, then don't front about it, just say you use cac cuz you don't like white people, it's your right to not like white people, don't use these corny complicated arguments
BS. I use the word cracker as a slang term for white people, nothing more nothing less. Why don't you explain how the term cracker is racist. I haven't gotten a legit answer for that question yet. When did cracker become a racist term?
Edit- if you can't respond without typing an essay full of drivel in incomplete sentences, then disregard this post.
BS. I use the word cracker as a slang term for white people, nothing more nothing less. Why don't you explain how he term cracker is racist. I haven't gotten a legit answer for that question yet. When did cracker become a racist term?
I asked you a simple question, when did the term cracker become a racist term? Don't deflect or dodge the question, if you dont know the answer then just say so.The idea that cracker is nothing more than slang is so absurd I don't feel I need to respond to it
Now if in your mind it's just a slang term that's fine, but your mind and the real world are not connected
but let's be clear I'm not campaigning against using cac or cracker, if you want to use it then use it, my beef is more with the use of nikka
I asked you a simple question, when did the term cracker become a racist term? Don't deflect or dodge the question, if you dont know the answer then just say so.![]()
Words aren't racist. People are racist. I can all you a cac all day and mean no I'll will or harm to you. On the other hand one can still be very racist without saying any racial slurs. You don't have to call a person a nikka to lynch him.
First you say that you don't know the answer to my question, then you turn right around and say that the answer is obvious. This is why I don't waste my time going essay for essay with you all, you're just not that bright. Not trying to be mean but it is what it is.I don't know, I have never in my life come across the concept that cracker is not a racial slur toward whites, this is news to me and news to a lot of people
I'm not dodging the question, it's just you are asking me something that is obvious, why do I need to prove something that is obvious?
comparing idiot to cac is like comparing idiot to nigca
NOt really apples to apples.
Black people do not have some divine pass at being racist because they experienced racism, that some ignorant shyt.
LOL @ "better my position and I'll stop acting like a bigot"
really fam that's how the world works?
LOL @ your justification for racism being that white people wouldn't trade spots with you. Fuk i wouldn't trade spots with you out of fear of being a racist more than anything else.
Like I said,
No one does.