Ya'll see this bullshyt
Dmx was talking about kuruptDid Dmx and Eminem ever have any real beef? I never caught on the what's my name / my name is thing before. I've her that in party up dmx dissed em with "you wack you twisted your girls a hoe the kid aint yours and everybody know but you love your baby mama you'll never let her go."
I don't think they did. They did go to sleep to get her with o IE trice and probably someone that om forgetting right now.
I’m sorry but that don’t look like Xin toronto
Big Boda negged you for your post in the thread Rest in Power DMX. With the following comment: lil stupid ass boy.surf negged you for your post in the thread Rest in Power DMX. With the following comment: stop whining about negs in a thread about someone who lost their...
Another hoe @surf