I remember his zenith ('97 to '02?), and I remember how popular he was. I was never a big fan to be honest, I "liked" him and some of his work but wasn't a diehard like I had to have X music or check all his new drops...
I can tell you in middle school I was kinda alone in that perspective, at least in my peer group. Muhfukkas loved this dude and again thats when he was at his most popular...
I'm sure I've mentioned this in an X thread on here in years past, but I've always thought him to be pretty overrated as a rapper. He had a really high peak but in the grand scheme of things, there was only a small window of time where his artistry was relevant. At his peak he was a big dog in his day but I don't find the majority of his music to be timeless...
That said, it was always apparent fam had a magnetism that drew people to him, not just hip hop listeners but when you watched how other artists regarded and received him in public (promos, shows, interviews), he has a really unique place of affectionism within The Culture that is damn near universal. Its always sad to hear someone go out like this, and as many of you mentioned he's been fighting these demons for decades...
They haven't announced it yet which is well within their rights as his loved ones, but 4 days on life support and brain dead, its imminent at this point. RIP Dark Man X, he's leaving a unique and magnificent impact on The Culture and I hope his soul finds peace and rest...
I can tell you in middle school I was kinda alone in that perspective, at least in my peer group. Muhfukkas loved this dude and again thats when he was at his most popular...
I'm sure I've mentioned this in an X thread on here in years past, but I've always thought him to be pretty overrated as a rapper. He had a really high peak but in the grand scheme of things, there was only a small window of time where his artistry was relevant. At his peak he was a big dog in his day but I don't find the majority of his music to be timeless...
That said, it was always apparent fam had a magnetism that drew people to him, not just hip hop listeners but when you watched how other artists regarded and received him in public (promos, shows, interviews), he has a really unique place of affectionism within The Culture that is damn near universal. Its always sad to hear someone go out like this, and as many of you mentioned he's been fighting these demons for decades...
They haven't announced it yet which is well within their rights as his loved ones, but 4 days on life support and brain dead, its imminent at this point. RIP Dark Man X, he's leaving a unique and magnificent impact on The Culture and I hope his soul finds peace and rest...