Finally beat this
This ain’t my RE4 but I’m glad people who didn’t play the OG
Like this one
Things I liked
The changing of Krauser fight
The additional parts for Luis
Ashley’s personality
After that, there’s not much I liked about this remake
I understand why they made the gawd more serious in this one
But the campiness of the OG

I really didn’t like how Ashley and Leon moved
Nor did I not like having to always repair the vest
The knife I get but damn
Now I could be wrong but I don’t remember having to always repair the vest in the OG
I get it but I just didn’t like
These fukking regenerators

I use to like fighting them
Now I just get ghost
The voice acting was really good and I don’t get why they giving little momma that voiced Ada the blues
She captured her perfectly
That Salazar fight

I want to fight the muthafukka who thought that shyt was fun

It was a worthy remake but the fun was sucked out of it
They capitulated to the tank control/horror numb nuts a little too much

shyt frustrated me like Control but at least the map was worth a damn
