Actually the real estimate is 20% at most. In addition, male rape victims are more likely to orgasm than females. Physiological responses aren't simply controlled by thoughts or feelings.
Muslims still practice this.
We're talking about women here though bruh.
Here's why i don't like this...
This is Foxish. REPUBLICANS don't believe this...at least not all of them.
Just saying while this was some ignorant shty to say pinning this on "republicans' is a little dishonest.
A REPUBLICAN said this; NOT RepublicanS
You weren't, though. You were mixing up the estimates for women and men.
Am i the only one that sees a great shoe market opportunity.
The New Omar II w/ React Juice
Start off with a woman in a burka running frantically through the streets. Ultimately she ends up rushing into her house and slams the front door while "Ahmed" comes peeling around the corner just in time to see the door close.
Ahmed: "damn she got away again"
Out comes a genie with THE NEW OMAR II's W/ React JUICE
Genie: "Try these on."
Fade to black next scene
Ahmed is hot on that girls ass she keep trying to ditch him but he just keeps getting closer.
View from the girls eyes: Her front door about 100 yards away
She looks back and see's Ahmed 50 yard away
she looks forward her door is 75 yards away;she looks back and Omar is 10 ft away.
Fade to black.
Open on a new scene, there are 8 kids running around Ahmed is kicking back and old girl is there obedient as a mofo.
Ahmed with his Omar II's on looks at the camera then looks at the shoe then looks at his wife and just laughs. (think mentos commercial like all playful and such)
I'm telling you i think i'm on to something here....
That's my home state
This fukkboy came to talk to my high school once. He got ethered by some students during the Q & A
Actually the real estimate is 20% at most. In addition, male rape victims are more likely to orgasm than females. Physiological responses aren't simply controlled by thoughts or feelings.
I'm actually surprised at what a stir this is causing considering Repubs in the House and Senate say shyt just as crazy all the time. I guess it's because it's during the height of a presidential cycle.
I'm actually surprised at what a stir this is causing considering Repubs in the House and Senate say shyt just as crazy all the time. I guess it's because it's during the height of a presidential cycle.
The whole War on Women concept probably built up a lot of momentum and heightened awareness for responses to these things imo.