Weren't you out here championing the wall as the solution?
championing the wall? no, i dont remember doing that. "mexico will pay for the wall" is one of the dumbest fukkin campaign promises in american history. i did say id rather build the wall than give that money to the pentagon, and still feel that way
but if illegal immigration is no good, why would the left even take issue with a wall? or werent they saying a wall is "racist"?
edit: yep. and what a terrible messenger, too. Senator 1/1024th
Warren Has A Plan For Coronavirus: Defund Trump’s “Racist Wall”
The Massachusetts senator and 2020 hopeful thinks $10 billion would be better spent on public health and science than “a monument to hate and division” at the U.S.-Mexico border.
the dems are all over the place on this. you need to get your narrative straight, badly. abbott will continue to embarrass them through november
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