These guns were initially giving to them by government officials. From interviews with gang members they even name dropped politicians who were initially giving them guns to kill people for them or to cause chaos in order to over throw Jovenel but the issue they never got what was promised to them when these people got in the government. So now they started getting more guns from kidnapping money which is very popular in Haiti. Thats how they buy new weapons from smugglers.
The issue is these gangs have been so brutal that they are starting to receive international pressure. Also police officers were starting to revolt because it is them who are usually in the line of fire which is now pushing the government to do something. The reality is if police officers keep dying and not act, then can lose their protection. There are suppose to be more materials coming in combat gangs.
Anyways, I predicted this shyt years ago

when one particular poster was calling me a c00n. Things have gotten worse within a year, you dont year shyt from journalist who were calling for Jovenel's head, you dont hear shyt from opposition parties who wanted Jovenel gone. Ever since the new prime minister gave them positions, they all have been super quiet.
Jovenel was the only president in Haiti that I saw had a plan that I believe in. He brought back the army, the same army now that Haitians want reinforce because of how bad things have gotten. The same army that oppositions were against when Jovenel was in power. Same thing with people that wanted foreign troops gone, all of them quiet as a church mouse.
I have zero issues with people have a difference of opinion but show me a better plan. Dont just tell me someone is bad, cause chaos and I am suppose to believe in it.