"Killed the pigs!"

. The hell you get your info from ? Under the Duvaliers, I ate griot whenever I wanted

Haiti had security, the street were clean, agriculture thrived Sugar, coffee and rice were being exported and feeding farmers. We had regular Christmases with stores open until midnight. Haiti had on of the most renowned shipyards in the Caribbean. Dark skin Haitians thrived because of papa doc, go look at pics of army officers before him. He kept his foot on the necks of the mulatto elite to prop up darker Haitians. Tourism, culture, sports teams all of it was better.
Did he rule with an iron fist yes but as discuss that is what developing countries need. A lot of these stories come from Haitians who claimed they were refugees but really violated a program that sent Haitians accross the globe to teach at other developping countries and couldn't come back home.