Said it before, and I'll say it again-- fans are going to toss this series in the bushes if the writers fall back into the Hollywood trap of writing these movies around the
actors, and whoever's
played by somebody as opposed to respecting the source material.
Now that everybody's seen Thor, Captain America, and the rest of these characters running around in full costume on the big screen and faithful to the comics and know it can be pulled off, a lot of them aren't going to tolerate much more of seeing their favorite superheroes being watered down for the sake of Hollywood.
Days of Future Past turned out better than expected, so I still want to hold out hope that this movie will still finally be about the actual X-men for once...
Just please, please, please give us X-men Apocalypse and not J-Law: Mystiqualypse
Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm and the rest of the actual X-men deserve better