Yea, and the system made sure they were removed some way or some how post haste for it. It is why I am a firm believer we should not seek singular leaders, but instead create organizations and operating procedures. The leader is not important, the organization and program are what is important. You can kill the leader, but it is a lot harder to kill an ideology.
Correct. This is gonna be hard to come by tho because they have fail safes in place to discredit an ideology based on the predecessors and initiators.
The thing about a Govt is it has to have countermeasures in place for all scenarios that are realistic and this govt has some of the best working 24/7 to do just that.
I really admire how the United States of America operates because I myself have a megalomania personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies.
I can't help but admirer it. But due to my mental health issues and being in a wheelchair at a young age I was able to have beaucoup down time to ask questions about what I see.
I remember when I was 18 and voted the first time for Sen. Kerry, I opened my mouth and said out loudly at the polls, I just wasted my time.
I realized the facade of voting and believing it is power. I remember in my civics class how I kept asking questions about our govt and our govt processes and my teacher told me I have the mind of an Anarchist. That stayed with me.
Once I seen how this govt operates with pay ops and confusions and how oppression works for the govt, it became quite clear to me, that we must all unite. But the walls around an American's mind is built around so many isms that once you break one down you have another that is as strong if not stronger.