I'm in the shape of my life. Been training real good while working from home.
Don’t matter you 160lbs
If you’re 6’5 you’re a twig, if you’re 5’7 then you’re 5’7
No grown man should be under 170-175lbs.
I've definitely got more "out of shape" went from hour long cardios to barely movingI put on weight, I think because I most of my walking to and from has been cut out.
For me, not only did I start eating more, but right at the beginning of the pandemic I shifted from a job as a Domino's manager moving CONSTANTLY for 8+ hours with no breaks to a creative job where I'm sitting in front of a computer all day. My daily movement drastically decreased.i put on weight at the beginning between cooking more elaborate meals vs quick protein/veggie meals, baking and not having an office to take it to, and drinking wine - i don't drink at home often, don't drink a lot in general....then when my jeans didn't fit i got my ass outside to workout with a crew of people. i keep jokingly telling folks to do a once a week jeans check, put on jeans at least once a week to keep yourself on track.
but even with exercise and eating what you normally did, it's still hard to keep the pounds off when your normal daily movement decreases so much. i went from 15 min walks to/from the train, 5 min walks to/from the office, roaming around downtown SF for lunch, walking through a big ass building to get to bathrooms and kitchens to walking 10 ft from the bed to bathroom to kitchen to desk, you lose a lot of steps and movement working at home unless you make a point to go take walks (which my neighborhood wasn't conducive to that, too much shyt going on, loud music, people hanging on corners, etc)