(.....2 Live Crew story coninued)
The "I Wanna Rock" video was also banned by MTV and BET but by this time the flood gates were open. Sir Mix A Lot would put out "Baby Got back" which wasnt as raunchy but still suggestive and MTV only played that video at night. The miami based group The Dogs would release a video called "work it out" which looked exactly like a "pop that coochie" bite. Then something happened that real hip hop heads never saw coming. 2 Live Crew would go onto influence the god emcee Rakim in his comeback single and video "Dont Sweat The Technique" which included, you guessed it, women in bathing suits gyrating. Of course Rakims video was done with more class but the influence was there. By the end of 1992, 2 Live Crews influence was here to stay. Wrecks N Effect would put out "Rump Shaker" and the popularity of that video pretty much began the "women dancing half nak3d in bathing suits" trend in all future Hip Hop videos. Soon u had 2pacs "I get around" and MC Hammers "pumps in the bumps." 2 Live Crew went thru all types of legal troubles because of their music, including getting arrested for performing certain songs at shows down to having their albums considered illegal. People were actually getting arrested for selling a 2 Live Crew album. These boys put in work just so Hip Hop could have half nak3d women dancing likechicks in music videos. Its only right that we acknowledge these great pioneers.
The R Rated version