Why are you so concerned with impressing folks here
What are you trying to accomplish with this thread
What are you trying to accomplish with this thread
@thoushallhustle could shut this entire thread down with a picture of a SINGLE asscheek. Not even her whole ass, just one cheek.
Why are you so concerned with impressing folks here
What are you trying to accomplish with this thread
Question pimping. How does a conversation about posting a screen name butt ass naked goes. I wanna try that with my lady next!
*wants to see more of that girls booty*
This is the only place I know of where niccas see a fuccable naked woman and get mad
its something aint it..i can understand the anger why would a board full of people beg to see pictures of a naked broad on the internet....seriously the internet of all places, begging to see naked pictures of a broad. it aint like its some broad we all wanna know and have always wanted to see...theres been a lot of confusing threads on the coli lately.
Besides me being bored...I'm using the 44th Law from the 48 Law Of Power;Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect.
Its a lil experiment I'm playing with to show the hypocracy. Both threads have the same scenerio. A girl is ready to twerk on video. Things get said to make the twerking not happen. Me making a strong request. This whole thread is me copying the old thread to see how the responses would be if it were me instead of a female....u said it yourself...no one knows her just like they didnt know the ugly broad. Same cenerio with an execution from someone who people hate on....LOL. the hypocracy has been well exposed...These are the kind of things I think of when bored and high.
This is the only place I know of where niccas see a fuccable naked woman and get mad