How did he fall off when his last solo album was a classic? 

Am I the only one who thinks WTT AND Cruel Summer are crack?
No Church, Paris, Gotta Have It, Murder to Excellence, Who Gon Stop Me, New Day, Why I Love You - Crack
Clique, Mercy, New God Flow, The Morning, Cold, Higher, Sin City - Crack
I think most people dig these tracks and probably ones I didn't mention - that's a majority of both albums yet it's not enough? So Kanye fell off cos every single fan can't agree that every song on these two albums is good?
An album that's completely about his relation to his own fame and how the affect that it's had on him had no real soul to it? The hell? This was probably Kanye at his most naked and raw emotionally other than 808s and Heartbreak.
Almost every opinion on this forum is a super minority.Once again this is the only site that denies MBDTF as a classic. Look at it's rating on RYM or Metacritic. Universal acclaim after a whole gang load of reviews. What album has that. Realize when you hate on MBDTF you're in the minority
As a matter of fact, you could have an album of nothing but good songs that I wouldn't recommend because of an element that I thought was extremely detrimental to the album, such as bad production, an overall listless feel or odious ideology.
Hold up, we're questioning this, THIS album, regardless of whether you think it's a "classic" or not (classic is a term that seriously needs to just die anyway), but not the sea of dreck like Random Max B tape #5140 that people reflexively call a classic and is barely argued?
Black pop culture is the most conservative of all American cultures in so many ways.![]()
We're question THIS album in this thread because I see it too often. There's dozens of other albums people call classic that aren't close to being classic. Why can't people say they enjoyed the album without it
Being called a classic