Just to let u kno. Its possible to believe in creation AND evolution
I believe in modern science and everything that atheists believe in but that doesn't mean I can't believe in creation at the beginning of time as well
There's nothing wrong with filling in the gaps of our knowledge with God or a supernatural explanation.
The issue is that all those gaps have virtually been closed with the exception of the origin of the universe. Which is currently religion's last hiding place because all rational thinking religious people like yourself have come around to accepting human evolution. Only the select few intellectually perverse like Chris B still deny it but they're on the outside amongst sophisticated theologians/religious scholars. Even the pope accepts evolution as fact in 2013, which would have been unheard of centuries ago. All rational people will eventually come around to facts and evidence (regardless of religious belief or lack of) and the historically stupid will always remain stupid. (regardless of what evidence is presented before them)