The science IS conclusive. As far as these "many reputable scientists" who think the world is cooling go, please link their work so we can examine it.
Gee, maybe that's because it's December.
But no, it hasn't been.
Completely make shyt up and say it matter of factly like it isn't bullshyt brehs.
That's completely non-sequitur and nonsensical. No, climate and weather are not the same thing. However the trend of climate is steadily getting warmer, and that is not factually disputable.
By natural disasters, I'm assuming you're talking about hurricanes. It is a fact that warmer ocean temperatures lead to more powerful hurricanes. Rising sea-surface temperatures is the only factor shown to be statistically significant in increasing hurricane intensities over time. The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have almost doubled since 1990 compared to how it was in the 70's. There have been numerous studies in peer-reviewed science journals on the link between hurricane intensities and sea surface temperatures.
So, no, weather isn't climate. Climate temperatures are rising. And warmer waters lead to increases in hurricane intensities. There is no contradiction in that anywhere. You don't have a point.
And your opinion is uninformed and ignorant, as are all climate change denier opinions. What's dumb is you don't even realize that the talking points you're parroting come from monied interests, particular the fossil fuel industry, that deseminates this false information via fake science think thanks and propaganda they distribute.
So what else is causing the increase in temperatures then?

Post data and sources to back your position
I agree, but that has nothing to do with whether anthropogenic global warming is occurring or not.
Obviously not much.
No, you're an idiot because the "skeptical" position is logically and factually indefensible at this point. We know that the Earth is warming. There is mountains of evidence that is due to human activity. So once again,
if human activity is not causing the warming, what is? I have read every single bullshyt, ExxonMobil regurgitated talking point from you climate change fake "skeptic" clowns for years and none of you can answer that simple question. We know that Earth climate temperatures fluctuate dependent on these factors: atmospheric greenhouse gases, solar activity, and atmospheric particulate (as in from volcanoes).
So tell me, hiphoplives4eva, what is causing this if it's not the 35% increase in greenhouses gases over the past 150 years due to human activity?
Don't give me any bullshyt about any liberal agenda, or how you're skeptical, or say some vague bluster about "the natural heating and cooling processes of the Earth," without identifying what constitutes those mysterious phantom processes, or how some goofy ass crackpot engineer who writes a blog said global warming is a hoax. Tell me what's causing the drastic increase in temperature we're seeing.
Way ahead of you.