Reddit science forum bans climate change deniers

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Wow, you sound like an after school special! :russ:

It is true though people who deny the climate change are acting like shyt is not changing. I also find it odd that we as a species are not doing everything in our power to protect our environment. I am not talking getting back to nature because that is silly but just looking for ways to protect our atmosphere and keep global temps livable for our species.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
It is true though people who deny the climate change are acting like shyt is not changing. I also find it odd that we as a species are not doing everything in our power to protect our environment. I am not talking getting back to nature because that is silly but just looking for ways to protect our atmosphere and keep global temps livable for our species.

Intertesting. What steps are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
This is also hilarious that they would need to "ban" dissenting opinions.
It's not a "dissenting" opinion anymore than claiming cigarettes don't cause cancer is a dissenting opinion. It's just wrong.
If someone started arguing that the world was flat, would they ban those people as well? No, im sure they would reference accurate, reliable data generated by thousands and thousands of data sets to disprove the naysayer. Not sure why they can't do the same with Climate change if the fukking data is so irrefutable.
Yes, if someone said that, that would be the proper reaction. If dozens of people said the Earth is flat frequently, and continued to, despite irrefutable evidence otherwise, then bans would probably be considered.
Its obvious there's and agenda afoot. Lets hope these "educated liberals" don't use these "facts" to ruin our lives in the future.
Stfu with this red herring "liberal" nonsense and make a valid case based on empirical data that climate change is false or inconclusive. 3rd time I'm asking.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
i just recycle

Interesting. You just stated earlier that we either acknowledge climate change or we all die in your previous post. Now you claim to "just recycle" as the way to reduce your carbon footprint. If you were truly passionate about reducing your carbon footprint you would be doing far more than just "recycling." The truth is you could care less about actually doing hard work to prevent this so called "climate change", you've just been programmed to believe "climate change is inevitable" as have the rest of the "educated" individuals here. Everyone is here on their laptops, running their AC, driving up and down the street, wasting energy and ramping up their CO2 emissions. Those same people clamoring for climate change are likely some of the biggest CO2 producers out here (white liberals). Meanwhile they keep demanding climate change legislation (which will definitely result in raised taxes and increased cost of living and very little in the way of actual climate change.)

The truth of the matter is the science is NOT conclusive in this regard, and many reputable scientists have argued that we're actually in a global COOLING phase as opposed to WARMING.

Notice that out climate has been extremely cold as of late. Climate change "experts" will claim "weather and climate are not the same thing", yet these same internet climatologists will use any natural disaster as "proof" of climate change being this impeding force out to doom us. Its all in my opinion a ruse to get people scared so that new laws will be passed, ostensibly designed to enrich some big business types and politicians.

For the record, i do believe climate change is occurring, however i do not feel its solely man made and its definitely something that humans are unable to prevent. The earth is so much more significant than humans are, and could literally wipe us out as a species whenever it damn well pleases honestly.

But again, what do i know. I'm skeptical on the notion of climate change so to many i'm a complete idiot. I'll let the smart guys here tell me why i'm dumb...:dwillhuh:
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Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Interesting. You just stated earlier that we either acknowledge climate change or we all die in your previous post. Now you claim to "just recycle" as the way to reduce your carbon footprint. If you were truly passionate about reducing your carbon footprint you would be doing far more than just "recycling." The truth is you could care less about actually doing hard work to prevent this so called "climate change", you've just been programmed to believe "climate change is inevitable" as have the rest of the "educated" individuals here. Everyone is here on their laptops, running their AC, driving up and down the street, wasting energy and ramping up their CO2 emissions. Those same people clamoring for climate change are likely some of the biggest CO2 producers out here (white liberals). Meanwhile they keep demanding climate change legislation (which will definitely result in raised taxed and increased cost of living and very little in the way of actual climate change.)

The truth of the matter is the science is NOT conclusive in this regard, and many reputable scientists have argued that we're actually in a global COOLING phase as opposed to WARMING.

Notice that out climate has been extremely cold as of late. Climate change "experts" will claim "weather and climate are not the same thing", yet these same internet climatologists will use any natural disaster as "proof" of climate change being this impeding force out to doom us. Its all in my opinion a ruse to get people scared to that new laws will be passed, ostensibly designed to enrich some big business types and politicians.

For the record, i do believe climate change is occurring, however i do not feel its solely man made and its definitely something that humans are unable to prevent. The earth is so much more significant than humans are, and could literally wipe us out as a species whenever it damn well pleases honestly.

But again, what do i know. I'm skeptical on the notion of climate change so to many i'm a complete idiot. I'll let the smart guys here tell me why i'm dumb...:dwillhuh:

What gave you the impression that I think it is man made?

either way my point is as a species we should be doing everything in our power to persevere our environment. By making it a liberal vs conservative issue you are undermining the problem. Does reducing my "carbon footprint" matter when our species as a whole are not taking the necessary steps to sustain our environment. I mean you agree that there is a problem but for some reason you don't want to agree on it?

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Hiphoplives4eva said:
If someone started arguing that the world was flat, would they ban those people as well?

Of course they would, you dolt
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Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Good. It's a serious science form. No time for the bullshyt. I support their ban. It's kinda like having Westboro Baptist Church showing up your mother's protest.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
The truth of the matter is the science is NOT conclusive in this regard, and many reputable scientists have argued that we're actually in a global COOLING phase as opposed to WARMING.
The science IS conclusive. As far as these "many reputable scientists" who think the world is cooling go, please link their work so we can examine it.

Notice that out climate has been extremely cold as of late.
Gee, maybe that's because it's December. :dead:

But no, it hasn't been.

Completely make shyt up and say it matter of factly like it isn't bullshyt brehs.

Climate change "experts" will claim "weather and climate are not the same thing", yet these same internet climatologists will use any natural disaster as "proof" of climate change being this impeding force out to doom us.
That's completely non-sequitur and nonsensical. No, climate and weather are not the same thing. However the trend of climate is steadily getting warmer, and that is not factually disputable.

By natural disasters, I'm assuming you're talking about hurricanes. It is a fact that warmer ocean temperatures lead to more powerful hurricanes. Rising sea-surface temperatures is the only factor shown to be statistically significant in increasing hurricane intensities over time. The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have almost doubled since 1990 compared to how it was in the 70's. There have been numerous studies in peer-reviewed science journals on the link between hurricane intensities and sea surface temperatures.

So, no, weather isn't climate. Climate temperatures are rising. And warmer waters lead to increases in hurricane intensities. There is no contradiction in that anywhere. You don't have a point.

Its all in my opinion a ruse to get people scared so that new laws will be passed, ostensibly designed to enrich some big business types and politicians.
And your opinion is uninformed and ignorant, as are all climate change denier opinions. What's dumb is you don't even realize that the talking points you're parroting come from monied interests, particular the fossil fuel industry, that deseminates this false information via fake science think thanks and propaganda they distribute.
For the record, i do believe climate change is occurring, however i do not feel its solely man made and its definitely something that humans are unable to prevent.
So what else is causing the increase in temperatures then? :whistle: Post data and sources to back your position
The earth is so much more significant than humans are, and could literally wipe us out as a species whenever it damn well pleases honestly.
I agree, but that has nothing to do with whether anthropogenic global warming is occurring or not.
But again, what do i know.
Obviously not much.

I'm skeptical on the notion of climate change so to many i'm a complete idiot.
No, you're an idiot because the "skeptical" position is logically and factually indefensible at this point. We know that the Earth is warming. There is mountains of evidence that is due to human activity. So once again, if human activity is not causing the warming, what is? I have read every single bullshyt, ExxonMobil regurgitated talking point from you climate change fake "skeptic" clowns for years and none of you can answer that simple question. We know that Earth climate temperatures fluctuate dependent on these factors: atmospheric greenhouse gases, solar activity, and atmospheric particulate (as in from volcanoes).

So tell me, hiphoplives4eva, what is causing this if it's not the 35% increase in greenhouses gases over the past 150 years due to human activity?


Don't give me any bullshyt about any liberal agenda, or how you're skeptical, or say some vague bluster about "the natural heating and cooling processes of the Earth," without identifying what constitutes those mysterious phantom processes, or how some goofy ass crackpot engineer who writes a blog said global warming is a hoax. Tell me what's causing the drastic increase in temperature we're seeing.
I'll let the smart guys here tell me why i'm dumb...:dwillhuh:
Way ahead of you.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
The science IS conclusive. As far as these "many reputable scientists" who think the world is cooling go, please link their work so we can examine it.

Gee, maybe that's because it's December. :dead:

But no, it hasn't been.

Completely make shyt up and say it matter of factly like it isn't bullshyt brehs.

That's completely non-sequitur and nonsensical. No, climate and weather are not the same thing. However the trend of climate is steadily getting warmer, and that is not factually disputable.

By natural disasters, I'm assuming you're talking about hurricanes. It is a fact that warmer ocean temperatures lead to more powerful hurricanes. Rising sea-surface temperatures is the only factor shown to be statistically significant in increasing hurricane intensities over time. The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have almost doubled since 1990 compared to how it was in the 70's. There have been numerous studies in peer-reviewed science journals on the link between hurricane intensities and sea surface temperatures.

So, no, weather isn't climate. Climate temperatures are rising. And warmer waters lead to increases in hurricane intensities. There is no contradiction in that anywhere. You don't have a point.

And your opinion is uninformed and ignorant, as are all climate change denier opinions. What's dumb is you don't even realize that the talking points you're parroting come from monied interests, particular the fossil fuel industry, that deseminates this false information via fake science think thanks and propaganda they distribute.

So what else is causing the increase in temperatures then? :whistle: Post data and sources to back your position

I agree, but that has nothing to do with whether anthropogenic global warming is occurring or not.

Obviously not much.

No, you're an idiot because the "skeptical" position is logically and factually indefensible at this point. We know that the Earth is warming. There is mountains of evidence that is due to human activity. So once again, if human activity is not causing the warming, what is? I have read every single bullshyt, ExxonMobil regurgitated talking point from you climate change fake "skeptic" clowns for years and none of you can answer that simple question. We know that Earth climate temperatures fluctuate dependent on these factors: atmospheric greenhouse gases, solar activity, and atmospheric particulate (as in from volcanoes).

So tell me, hiphoplives4eva, what is causing this if it's not the 35% increase in greenhouses gases over the past 150 years due to human activity?


Don't give me any bullshyt about any liberal agenda, or how you're skeptical, or say some vague bluster about "the natural heating and cooling processes of the Earth," without identifying what constitutes those mysterious phantom processes, or how some goofy ass crackpot engineer who writes a blog said global warming is a hoax. Tell me what's causing the drastic increase in temperature we're seeing.

Way ahead of you.

First off, no one is arguing that climate change isn't happening.

Secondly, NO ONE KNOWS THE EXACT CAUSE OF THE CURRENT trends of global warming, just theories. The green house gas emissions theory is just one of those theories. Many scientists feel human activity is playing a role in global warming. However, NO ONE (including you) knows exactly how much of an influence man has, or what the actual influence is. We know this because THE EARTH UNDERWENT many atmospheric changes WELL BEFORE HUMANS roamed the earth.

Secondly, i see you like to post pretty graphs from government websites, and thats cool, but do you know how that data was collected and where the global temperature monitoring stations are? I can assure you that most of them are on land and not on water. Many people feel climate change is more influenced by changes in ocean temperature as opposed to land temperature, which is where the data for those graphs generally originate. So the relevance of global land temperature data in regards to climate change is very debatable.

And lastly, what the hell are you doing to reduce YOUR carbon footprint, besides berating people on online message boards (which increases your carbon footprint btw...)? You should consider turning off the computer and posting less. That way, it will reduce your carbon footprint, diminishing the CO2 concentrations world wide and ultimately saving mankind as we know it.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music

argue something for 4 hrs without dropping a single shred of peer reviewed evidence brehs

Ok, here are some pretty graphs for you to stare at. These are specifically in reference to the recent GLOBAL COOLING phenomenon curently underway (minus any significant climate change legislation btw.)



Check out this graph illustrating the difference between the climate range predictions of global warming phenomons and actual data:


Listen, the fact of the matter is the earth goes through various temperature trends, many would argue IRRESPECTIVE of man's activity. Mainly because alot of climate change occured on earth WELL BEFORE MAN existed (i.e. the ice age).

Also, recent global trends are showing that the earth is actually undergoing a small "cooling period" as i've shown in the graphs above, again this is occurring WITHOUT ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN WESTERN COUNTRIES HABITS, as well BRIC countries economies rapidly growing (which will definitely worsen worldwide CO2 emissions). So with CO2 emissions currently soaring we are actually undergoing a cooling period, and have been doing so for about the past 10-15 years.

The fact of the matter is that there is no DIRECT LINK between CO2 emissions and global warming. That theory has not been proven and has been falsely linked by individuals who could care less about preventing any sort of global catastrophe and more on lining their pockets.

I just hope those that feel so strongly about this are doing everything they can to reduce their carbon footprint. Its easy to post bullshyt online, what are YOU doing to reduce you personal carbon footprint? I would suggest walking more and downsizing your current living sitution. Every little bit of CO2 added to the atmosphere is contributing to our imminent death according to yall..