Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Appreciate the tips.
One thing I noticed is that animals seem to spawn more when I start my game out from my camp as opposed to Free Roam. I went out this morning and there were all kinds of animals within a few hundred feet of my camp and I cleaned up.
I do like that a$$holes seem to be few and far between. Only run into one dude just running around the map taking random shots at people. Much different than the online mode on RDR, in a good way.
Always start out of your camp, that way if the game loads instead of sticking you into that endless cycle of old timey pictures, you should be loaded with a spawned camp as opposed to hoping that your camp will be where you left it, entering randomly in Free Roam.
I deal with both my Trader and Moonshine roles at the same time, so it's integral for my camp to be spawned while I wait for Moonshine to cook. I find that if I try and access my camp by entering through Freeroam, there are times when my camp either refuses to spawn, or jumps up and down the map and eventually glitches out. Frustrating, but once you've a stable lobby and you load up in should be good.
As for the a$$hole Griefers. There aren't as much but it only takes one to ruin your entire day/session if they look to fukk up your Trader Delivery or blow up your Moonshine cart. For Trader I only do the long delivery with 100 items so that's a solid $650 right there. On a good night I can make two full trader delivers at $1300 with a friend riding shotgun and have enough money to purchase whatever upgrades I might need along with some walking around money.
Collecting/Trading full sets for the Collector is still the best money making venture, but it's long and arduous, so this helps to fill in the gaps.