Yesterday I did a run to complete a lot of the bandit, sharpshooter and weapon expert challenges. Ended up getting a $700 bounty in Lemoyne that started because I did the 'shoot 5 birds from a moving train challenge' and once you fire your gun on a train you automatically get the law on you. The train stopped close to St. Denis so the amount of law I had to kill before I got away was ridiculous.
Worst part was that like a half hour before I did the challenge for a $250 bounty so I shot up Rhodes and paid off the bounty right away. Basically threw that cash away on nothing.
Then some random event tip led me to a home robbery north of Strawberry where I got the semi-auto shotgun. Traveled further west and unknowingly ran up on the O'Driscoll hideout. They shot the shyt out of my Arabian horse and before I could revive it the goddamn maxim gun got me. Once I respawned and saw my piece of shyt secondary horse standing there I got so fukking mad. Of course the game had autosaved immediately and my last manual save was from before I did like six of them challenges I didn't want to repeat. Just exited the game like

and went to sleep.