Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4/XB1/PC | Out Now

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Are you doing missions? You can easily make back money you lost when more game play elements like the fence opens up

Yeah I am doing missions again and I've managed to stock up on supplies. Just upgraded Dutch's Tent so these cheapskates can start pitching in.

Hosea is a real one. Was going to steal a stagecoach with him and on the way I collided with a dude on a horse and we both fell off and I think my horse fell on him and killed him. His ran away. The dude's partner is shooting at me on the fukking ground but Hosea just casually shot him in the back.


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
so this game is :mjpls: huh?

I actually bumped into them twice.... the second time was more funnier as it was 3 of them, two was lifting a cross and it slipped and fell crushing them...:laff: The grand dragon was like... This is what I have to work with??? :beli:

Arthur: :mjgrin: that master race sure is something?

Klansman: What you say to me muthafukka???

I Pulled out both guns when he walked up and shot him under the chin, brains everywhere....:laff::laff::laff: PLUS I ROBBED THEM AFTERWARDS!!!

Beer Drinker

Blue Moon Cappuccino Oatmeal Stout
May 8, 2012
Riding through the swamp saw some dude hanging from a tree. Stopped to take a picture. Exit the camera and three fukking hillbillys managed to sneak up on me and fukking kill me. Lost my legendary bear pelt cause of that shyt.


I'm super pissed. That was my first legandary

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Anyone use the app?

Anyhow I’m enjoying the game even if it takes forever to get from place to place and the actual shooting is kind of basura.
I got bounties on me in like 3 different towns mostly because of missions, I did rob a shady back door business but it got out of hand and those odriscals started shooting.
I’m not sure how to do a robbery without killing a bunch of folks, and how do you stop a snitch without blasting him?

I was using the app for a little bit, but stopped. I changed my map HUD to compass mode and press down on the d-pad to bring up the gps view now though.

You can threaten, rather than kill witnesses.


Oct 14, 2012
I’m really conflicted playing this, I wanna play Honorable because of the discounts and benefits, not to mention it falls more in line with the kinda person arthur can be story wise, but it’s also fun as hell robbing people’s houses and being a cold blooded murdering scumbag too :patrice:

Might just have to give this 2 playthroughs :blessed:


The Mayor
Nov 19, 2016
I randomly come across a farm with two men outside. He said some snarky shyt so I said some back. Dude draws down on me and I fake like I’m leaving and come back with the sawed off. Killed him and his man, then enter the house. It’s a woman inside, I guess his wife. I was so startled the sawed off blew her through the doorway.

I rob the house and decide to sleep the night, I move the wife out cuz it’s weird sleeping with a body in the house.

Wake up the next morning to MAD hooves pounding outside the house. I look out the window and It’s about 6 men on horses surrounding the bodies I left outside the night before. I know they’re gonna search the house next so I look for a backdoor..Locked. I was just about to dart out the front when the first lawman entered, I ran into the bedrooms and had a wild ass hateful 8 shootout in this mans cabin for about 8 minutes while the posse ran in and out, tried to shoot through the window..I never got out the house.

This entire thing took place over about 30 minutes

I say that to say this is the greatest video game of all time.


Aug 18, 2014
This game is insane, went out drinking with Lenny got piss drunk and then awoke far from town with no horse. So had to trek back along the way encountered many different adventures. Got sold a treasure map to the location of a legendary gangs loot, discovered a body strung up and cut to pieces, so started trying to track the killer who left a message of look at my work. Then bumped into two idiots riding and one of them made a comment about how he hasn’t killed in a while and he is starting to miss it. So decided that they was as good as dead as they are scum so called out to them and was about to gun them both down but a stagecoach was passing by so let them live. Those two fools didn’t know how close they came to meeting the reaper.:wow:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I randomly come across a farm with two men outside. He said some snarky shyt so I said some back. Dude draws down on me and I fake like I’m leaving and come back with the sawed off. Killed him and his man, then enter the house. It’s a woman inside, I guess his wife. I was so startled the sawed off blew her through the doorway.

I rob the house and decide to sleep the night, I move the wife out cuz it’s weird sleeping with a body in the house.

Wake up the next morning to MAD hooves pounding outside the house. I look out the window and It’s about 6 men on horses surrounding the bodies I left outside the night before. I know they’re gonna search the house next so I look for a backdoor..Locked. I was just about to dart out the front when the first lawman entered, I ran into the bedrooms and had a wild ass hateful 8 shootout in this mans cabin for about 8 minutes while the posse ran in and out, tried to shoot through the window..I never got out the house.

This entire thing took place over about 30 minutes

I say that to say this is the greatest video game of all time.

Yeah the roving bounty hunters are a bytch. I saw some in the middle of the night while collecting a debt. Made sure to stay far away. I was actually at the shed where the ranch hand lived (I'm almost sure he's black cause he was living in damn near an outhouse) and a dog started barking so I arrow'd it to death and decided to check out the house. A dog was sleeping on the porch so killed it too. I went in the house and I choked out the rancher and robbed him blind. Checked the other room and his homeboy was sleep. I woke him up to rob him but he wasn't having it and pulled out on me. I was so close he pistol whipped me and in response I blew his head off with the shotty and looted the corpse. I went back to the shed but the guy I was looking for was gone because of the crimes I committed. Makes me wonder how bad they were treating him because technically he should have reported my crimes. Either way there were some more bounty hunters patrolling so I just went back to camp. On the way a dude knocked me off my horse with his stagecoach so I shot an arrow into the back of his dome. Game is lit.

Morgan is very :nazipls: toward old Strauss. If you read his journal he hates what Strauss is into despite it being legal. I felt bad on that first debt collection, poor guy didn't speak any English. I did go into his barn and shoot his horse on the way out. Took some crackers and fed them to my horse.


Laker for life
Oct 31, 2016
My homie was telling me the other day how he got a $1000 (literally started yesterday) bounty on his head. Said he can't even save up money because he keeps getting killed and is on the run :mjlol:

Told me the reason it got up so high was because some dude attacked him so he retaliated which ended up with him killing the cops and the whole town :mjlol:
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
Riding through the swamp saw some dude hanging from a tree. Stopped to take a picture. Exit the camera and three fukking hillbillys managed to sneak up on me and fukking kill me. Lost my legendary bear pelt cause of that shyt.


I'm super pissed. That was my first legandary
The trapper has the pelt when you die with it on your horse.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I randomly come across a farm with two men outside. He said some snarky shyt so I said some back. Dude draws down on me and I fake like I’m leaving and come back with the sawed off. Killed him and his man, then enter the house. It’s a woman inside, I guess his wife. I was so startled the sawed off blew her through the doorway.

I rob the house and decide to sleep the night, I move the wife out cuz it’s weird sleeping with a body in the house.

Wake up the next morning to MAD hooves pounding outside the house. I look out the window and It’s about 6 men on horses surrounding the bodies I left outside the night before. I know they’re gonna search the house next so I look for a backdoor..Locked. I was just about to dart out the front when the first lawman entered, I ran into the bedrooms and had a wild ass hateful 8 shootout in this mans cabin for about 8 minutes while the posse ran in and out, tried to shoot through the window..I never got out the house.

This entire thing took place over about 30 minutes

I say that to say this is the greatest video game of all time.

This game is insane, went out drinking with Lenny got piss drunk and then awoke far from town with no horse. So had to trek back along the way encountered many different adventures. Got sold a treasure map to the location of a legendary gangs loot, discovered a body strung up and cut to pieces, so started trying to track the killer who left a message of look at my work. Then bumped into two idiots riding and one of them made a comment about how he hasn’t killed in a while and he is starting to miss it. So decided that they was as good as dead as they are scum so called out to them and was about to gun them both down but a stagecoach was passing by so let them live. Those two fools didn’t know how close they came to meeting the reaper.:wow:

Yeah the roving bounty hunters are a bytch. I saw some in the middle of the night while collecting a debt. Made sure to stay far away. I was actually at the shed where the ranch hand lived (I'm almost sure he's black cause he was living in damn near an outhouse) and a dog started barking so I arrow'd it to death and decided to check out the house. A dog was sleeping on the porch so killed it too. I went in the house and I choked out the rancher and robbed him blind. Checked the other room and his homeboy was sleep. I woke him up to rob him but he wasn't having it and pulled out on me. I was so close he pistol whipped me and in response I blew his head off with the shotty and looted the corpse. I went back to the shed but the guy I was looking for was gone because of the crimes I committed. Makes me wonder how bad they were treating him because technically he should have reported my crimes. Either way there were some more bounty hunters patrolling so I just went back to camp. On the way a dude knocked me off my horse with his stagecoach so I shot an arrow into the back of his dome. Game is lit.

Morgan is very :nazipls: toward old Strauss. If you read his journal he hates what Strauss is into despite it being legal. I felt bad on that first debt collection, poor guy didn't speak any English. I did go into his barn and shoot his horse on the way out. Took some crackers and fed them to my horse.

I just came into this thread to see if i was going to buy
these 3 posts just made me purchse it